Andddd I’m back from the States! It’s been an awesome 2-3 weeks overseas~ I walked so much, I actually clocked 100km (no joke, my pedometer attests to that). I had many long days, and it was not only my leg muscles being put to the test – my makeup had to withstand the 10 hours I spent outdoors (or more!). Here’s one product that I tried out…
Make Up For Ever Water Blend Foundation- SGD$72

I say…
The Packaging: A frosted bottle with a pump dispenser and a cap. It’s pretty functional – no frills and easy to use.
The Scent: A pleasant powdery and mild scent. There’s not much lingering after application – only a mild whiff when you’re applying it.
The Texture: It’s a very lightweight (as its name says) watery liquid foundation. Now I notice something interesting about its texture – the initial feel is your typical liquid foundation. When you rub it into your skin (to blend the color in), it seems to “dissipate/breakdown”- it kinda feels like the foundation color pigment is being encapsulated by some hydrating essence or something, and thus releases the color onto your skin (now don’t quote me on this, this is just how I’m having the feels yo). Once this happens, there’s a certain amount of drag on the skin – the product doesn’t quite travel as far on the skin when you try to blend in.
The Finish: That aside, it’s lightweight, non sticky, non greasy, and gives a lovely brightening finish. It’s mostly matte at first. However, the sebum control isn’t much, so after about 4-5 hours, I could see the shine coming through, and after about 6-7 hours, it started getting slightly patchy around the drier areas of the skin. There’s not much oxidisation though – it just fades. Coverage isn’t high either – probably a medium level. It wasn’t enough to cover the dark eye circles (and I applied 3 layers). Most major blemishes are covered up though.
The Verdict: A foundation that’s good for days that aren’t too long (i.e. your usual work or school day without the outing after). It gives a rather natural finish (because of its medium-level coverage), but you’ll still need some concealer on major pimples or dark eye circles (try their HD Concealer or Nudestix Concealer Pencil). Psst: Did you notice that it says “for Body” too? I’m not particularly sure where on my (hot, or not) bodeh to place this, but hey, if you have a need to hide some part of yours, you have an option here😀