After writing this blog for several years, I’ve come to realize that MAC colours are somewhat a globally-accepted gauge of colours – I often get requests asking me to compare certain Kbeauty shades with MAC shades, but since I’ve spent my entire fortune supporting Korea’s GDP, I’ve unfortunately been unable to help out as much as I want to :/ Anyhoos, I’m looking forward to expanding my MAC empire this year, starting with this bee-yoooo-tiful blush. Since I’ve not been using powder blushers in a long while (my current/previous blushers are the Peripera Cushion Blush, Esprique Melty Cheek stick, Mamonde Jelly Blusher), it’s kinda like a new experience again yay!
MAC Mineralize Blush in Please Yourself – SGD$42

I say…
The Packaging: It’s a plastic black casing with a magnetic closure. I did have a leeetle difficulty trying to open it, because the latch was located on the pot (instead of on the lid), and I kept trying to yank it upwards. I know, I know, hand-eye coordination problems. Perhaps my eyes were glazed over from the gorgeousness of the textured blush – seriously, it’s soooo pretty.
The Texture: The color (although looking somewhat dark pink in the pot) actually comes across as a very natural rosy pink (based on a light one-layer application). It has some iridescent sparkles but totally passes off as a nice cheek glow when applied onto the face. I LOVE. The specks are only visible if you go realllyyyy up close. I usually take a large powder brush, pick up some product and pat gently onto the cheeks. Because of the glowy sheen, I can do away with applying my cheek highlighter . The powder specks itself are pretty fine and there’s no dust fall-off.
The Verdict: It doesn’t sink into the enlarged pores on my face, and lasts the entire day – I kid you not. As I type this now at 5pm, it still looks freshly applied (even though I did the face painting this morning at 10am). The blush sits nicely atop my Etude House Skin-Fit foundation base, and shows no signs of oxidation. Plus, since a little bit goes a long way, you get total bang for your buck. Sorry to my pals who usually get my hand-me-downs – this one is not leaving my crib. I need to Please Myself first (hurhurhur, pun totally intended). Heh.