Over the weekend, I was Maid Of Honour (aka minion) to my BFF who’s getting married – no it wasn’t her wedding (yet – I foresee a whole lot more of madness when it does happen). Instead, it was a wonderful staycation at the largest private villa at The Singapore Spa and Resort Sentosa (it costs a whopping $2.2k++ just for one night). Of course, we made the most of it and cut down on sleep, which has resulted in my skin drying out slightly. What can I say – old women just aren’t juicy anymore. hurhurhur.
Innisfree Soybean Energy Essence (Light)

I say…
- This comes in a plastic frosted bottle (finally!) that’s unlike the rest of the treatment toners in the market, thus making it lighter.
- There’s no scent to the product.
- Unlike the normal version which has a slightly more viscuous (thicker) texture that’s somewhat gel-like, this one is completely watery and liquid.
- The opening to the bottle allows for slightly more dispensing at one go – a good strong tap with the arm should dispense enough for the entire face.
- Although you can theoretically use it by patting it on your face, I prefer to use it with a cotton pad to help sweep any remnant makeup / dirt. Yes yes , I know it seems somewhat of a product waste.
- It helps hydrate the skin instantly.
- So far, I haven’t had any bad reactions to this – the pores don’t seem clogged and there’s no breakout.
- There’s also no sticky/greasy residue.
- I daresay there’s a slight brightening of the skintone – it looks an eensy weensy bit more radiant.
- I wouldn’t say there’s any lifting effects / pore tightening though.
- It also helps freshen up your skin immediately too.
- During the launch event, the Innisfree staff informed me that the normal version is better for those with drier and more dehydrated skin, while this light version is better for those with slightly oilier/combination skin types (which I guess explains why I’m taking to this one more – and also explains my preference for the Hada Labo light lotion).
Overall: I like this product better than the normal version on the basis that it’s faster to absorb, leaves no residue and gives a slight radiance boost. Of course, the lighter packaging also plays a small part – for a klutz like me, a plastic bottle is defo much easier to handle than a heavy glass bottle.