Back in the 1990s’ , almost every one in my school walked around with Sweet Valley High and Mills n Boon’s books in their bags – seriously, everyone loved these trashy novels. In fact, I even had a seat partner who used to read the upgraded version (aka the more scandalous and juicy types with a large muscley man and a swooning buxomy lady on the cover) under her desk in secondary school hurhurhur. One somewhat trashy book I loved was Heaven, by VC Andrews, and it was for the most inane reason ever – the protagonist Heaven had a middle name “Leigh”, so if you say her names fast enough, it sounded very heavenly (geddit geddit hurhurhur? In the Singapore context, I’m pretty sure it’ll be changed to Heaven-Leh), Anyhoos, the entire non-beauty-related ramble was my thought process when I first got this product.
Heaven by Deborah Mitchell Bee Venom Mask – SGD$89

I say…
The Packaging: It comes in frosted glass tub with a screw-open cap. No spatulas came with this smaller version – not sure if the 50ml one has.
The Ingredients: Heaven is an all-natural 100% organic range. The key ingredient to this is the bee venom, which is touted to be the natural alternative to Botulinum Toxin (which many people know better as botox). It works this way: When someone is stung by a bee, the skin immediately swells/puffs up. This effect is utilised to puff (aka firm up) the skin, smoothen out fine lines and wrinkles. It also contains manuka honey, shea butter, rose and lavendar essential oils and more.
The Texture: It’s a rather rich and smooth cream, which means that it glides on smoothly. This also means that a little goes a long way, so don’t get too heavy handed during application. Recommended usage is twice weekly – apply for 20 mins and then rinse off. An alternative is to apply a little layer and leave on. It is absorbed rather quickly enough after you pat it in – remember to let it set or else it may feel slightlyyyy sticky to the touch.
The Scent: It doesn’t have a particularly fragrant scent to it – it is not as strong as SK-II’s Facial Treatment Essence either. I can’t pinpoint what it is exactly, but let’s just say it’s not the type of scent that you will intentionally inhale to feel good.
The Fewling: Immediately upon application, you can feel a very very slight tingling sensation (of a lower intensity than the GlamGlow Tinglexfoliate). After a while, it subsides.
The Aftermath: Seriously, do I even have to say anything? The photos are proof that this actually works! I applied it only to one side of the face along the jawline, and after just 3-5 applications (about 2x a week), I have a more defined V-line :D Did I also mention that it doesn’t cause my overly-sensitive jawline to break out into pesky pimples? Yay!
The Verdict: It has fans in the likes of Nicole Kidman, Gwyneth Paltrow, as well as Her Majesty, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, who was said to have gone for Deborah Mitchell facials before her royal wedding. Now, it has one more fan to its brand – me! My hopes for a Kpop star-like V-shaped jawline have not been dashed – yay! Oh, and yes, it’s worth a try if you’ve got some moolah to spare, or are looking to prepare for some big upcoming event.
Only available online for now from Qbeauty.