Alright I confess – the short hiatus is because I’ve been insanely busy that I’m only snoozing about 4 hours per day. But hey, at least the Beauty News keeps coming right right right? Forgive meeeee. These days, the skin is going ballistic (that’s what 40 combined hours of inflight cabin air + lack of sleep does to me). The most sensible method would be to scale back on the makeup, but since that will horrify the rest of the world into extinction, I’ve opted to go for a more lightweight foundation that is said to have skincare properties instead :D

I say…
The Packaging: Loving the dropper-tool system on a frosted exterior bottle. It’s hygienic (and somewhat convenient, hampered otherwise by the texture of the foundation). It comes in a rather compact size that fits snugly into the palm of your hand (will follow up with exact measurements soon).
The Texture: Now when they named it an “ultra-fluid foundation”, they weren’t joking; this is actually as fluid as water – the foundation “colour molecules” (as I like to call them) are suspended inside the liquid (which I assume holds skincare properties), so remember to shake the bottle well before application (just like the Espoir Nude Liquid Powder). It’s just pure liquid, so it’s absorbed really quickly into the skin.
The Application: Using the dropper tool, 3-5 drops should be suffice for your entire face. Now as I mentioned before, it ups the hygiene factor, but because the foundation is so runny, the only place that properly holds it is the back of your hand – so make sure that portion is clean too. I use my fingers to apply – it blends very very easily into the skin, and gives a medium level of coverage. The finish is mostly matte with a decent amount of glow (about matte 80%: glow 20%). It doesn’t do much for the dark eye circles though, so don’t forget the concealer. Because it’s so lightweight, it also doesn’t cover the enlarged pores much.
The Verdict: I’d classify this for a weekend 4-hour-outing type of foundation – it’s lightweight with a barely-there feeling on the skin (honestly, you won’t even feel like you’ve got something on your skin). The coverage is medium and fades pretty quickly (I attribute this to the texture) – within 3 hours of application, I could see it fading (but thankfully not oxidising), and the combi-oily face started getting quite shiny at areas such as the T-zone and the corners of the nose (oil-o-meter: 1 full sheet of oil blotting paper filled. eeks). The oil control factor of this comes in at the low end of the scale.. The upside is that with this, my cheeks never felt/looked too dry because it wasn’t too harsh/drying on the skin. Did I also mention that it gives a crazy ridiculously natural finish that you can barely clock? Overall, a rather decent foundation that’s better suited for those who’re having a good skin day (or a good skin lifetime – damn you, lucky gurl!), or those who prefer lightweight foundations.