Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review: CNP Skin Clinic – Milk Peel Plus Program

By Beautifulbuns

As you guys know, I’m totally a big chicken at heart when it comes to my pain threshold (which is pretty much non-existent), so there’s probably no way I’ll ever do invasive surgery. But that doesn’t mean I’m not adventurous – I’ve tried so many skincare and makeup products I’ve lost count. After the super effects I’ve received from their Scaling & Polishing Treatment, I decided to go forth and try other stuff that CNP has to offer :D Bring it on baybeh!

CNP Skin Clinic has many branches, but their main branch is at Yangjae.


CNP, Yangjae Main Centre

4F, City Band building (Shimhyun Bldg), 952-9, Dogok-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Operating Hours
Weekdays : 11:00 ~ 20:00 / Lunch : 13:00 ~ 14:00
Saturday : 09:00 ~ 17:00 / Lunch : 13:00 ~ 13:30

Contact number

 International email address
[email protected]


CNP Skin Clinic Map 2


How to get there: 

If you’re going by subway, alight at Yangjae Station, Line 3, Exit 3. It’ll only take 5 minutes to walk to the building, which is located on your right-hand side and along the main road.  There are no visible signages of the building name, so look for a Citibank signage (cos it occupies the first 2 levels ).Walk into the (somewhat quiet) lobby and take the lift.


CNP Skin Clinic


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A very cosy and warmly-lit interior (that contrasts to the lift) On the left is the main door, and then you have the waiting area with nice comfy sofas. On the tv there’ll be demonstrations on the various types of services available there, and behind the tv are the treatment rooms. On the right are the consultation rooms.


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Another view of the clinic – the reception area where you register and make payment. Towards the back is the toilet.


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Back to visit my usual doctor – Dr Kim Jae Gyeong


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My pal undergoing the consultation first – Now Dr Kim is a very gentle, soft-spoken and sweet lady who speaks relatively fluent english, so don’t worry about anything getting lost in translation. You’ll just need to speak slightly slower than usual.

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Dr Kim will then remove some of the makeup to check your skin condition and recommend a suitable treatment.

Once the consultation is done, you’ll be led to the treatment room at the back  (well, mine was for the Milk Peel Plus Program, which costs a really affordable KRW180,000 when I did it)

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Now, although it’s a common room where about 6 ladies can do their face at the same time, there’s still some privacy cos there are partitions to block your “neighbour” . This is the view from my bed.

The Process of Milk Peel Plus Program

The entire treatment takes about 1-1.5 hours.

  • Cleansing by the therapist: Using CNP products that are so gentle and yet efficient – I was almost lulled to sleep within the first 15 mins.
  • Once your skin is thoroughly cleansed, the doctor will come in to apply a liquid/gel thingy with a brush across most of your face.  (now my eyes were closed at this point ).  Since there was a slight tingling sensation, I assume this was the Milk Peel (from France, I hear).
  • The Milk Peel consists of 50% glycolic acid, salicylic and lactic acids for fine wrinkle reduction, skin lightening, oily skin regulation and spot treatment. It is said to provide see skin radiance and suppleness after Milk Peel but note that this is not a miracle cure – it doesn’t solve all your skin problems at one shot.
  • Because this is a customisable programme, the Doctor will also suggest various treatments for your current skin issues. At that time, I had a barrage of acne spots along the jawline that had sprouted, so I had some injections to get rid of them (while the Milk Peel was still on). Dr Kim was super nice, and whenever I squeaked in pain, she would immediately take note, and was also very encouraging “you’re doing very well, just a few more shots, don’t worry” etc etc. SO LOVED!
  • The tingly sensation doesn’t increase in intensity – it just remains at the same level of tingly-ness. After 5-1o mins, you will have to rouse yourself from the bed  (omg I was nearly asleep at this time) to rinse it off at the sink (which is about 5 steps away).
  • Now that your skin is clean, you can sink back into the bed. Hah.
  • The therapist will then use a handheld device that emits sonic waves to help loosen the dirt in your pores – it’s kinda like a spatula that she sweeps over your face, and you can hear a very high-pitched bzzzzzzzz sound. It doesn’t hurt , but it is kinda ticklish.
  • And now, here comes the most dreaded part of the treatment – like the Scaling and Polishing treatment, this extraction process is relatively painful, kinda like 6-7 on a scale of 10 (depending on how much gunk you have trapped in your skin).
  • Based on the sensation (and also the demo video I saw in the waiting room), the therapist uses some sterilised equipment to “snip” the clogged pore open with a very minute opening, and then squeezes it out with another metallic-looking thingy. It’s kinda like the more medically-advanced version of using your fingernails. hah.
  • Since I have so much gunk trapped in my face, it was basically snip, squeeze -ouch-. Repeat about 50x.
  • Once it’s over, it’s Sonic Wave time again. Bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzz.
  • Up next, a nose mask to unclog and clarify your pores.
  • Next up is a machine that sort of does infra-red/light waves over your skin – my therapist put cotton pads soaked with some skincare goodness to cover the eyes, and I just lie there like a corpse while the machine sweeps red waves over my face. There’s no pain nor sensation.
  • To finish up, she applies a thick heavy mask over my entire face (eyes included), so it completely blacks out everything. I love. I can now sink blissfully into sleep (and to my horror, I remember letting out one – yes, ONE- snore. It was that soothing). The mask was left to set for about 20 minutes (I think? I really can’t remember cos I was happily snoozing).


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And here I am, immediately after the treatment! See how clear and radiant my skin is? No makeup and no filter baybehs! The spots are where the particularly stubborn gunk refused to come out, so my therapist had to put more effort into extracting it.


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And here I am,  1-2 days after treatment – very light makeup, and no spotting visible at all :D

What’s the difference in the Scaling & Polishing and the Milk Peel Plus Programme?

  • Essentially, the Milk Peel :D
  • The other steps are more or less the same, with the Sonic Wave, extraction, laser light.
  • Both will make your skin smooth and soft, but if you’re looking for an evening out of the skin tone or skin texture, go for the Milk Plus Programme, cos the special concoction of the acids will help refine your skin.

I am a HUGE fan of CNP Skin Clinic – so far, their treatments have all made my skin better (at a very affordable price) and I’ve recommended them to my friends who’ve loved it too. Their products are really awesome as well (a little birdy tells me they’re gonna be available in Singapore soon! zomg!)

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