I sometimes think that there ought to be a course on How To Pop Your Pimples properly – yes yes, like waving a “Sale” sign in my face, I know that you should not squeeze or aggravate any spots on your face, but (pun intended) face it, everyone does it. There’s really no resisting the allure (and satisfaction) of successfully extracting the “head” of a pesky spot.

I say…
- Now this is the night-time version of the CNP Laboratory Anti-Blemish Spot Solution Day, which is a slightly more lightweight consistency that “ripens” your spots so that they can be more easily “popped”.
- This comes in a longer tube and lasts much longer than the Day version.
- The cream is scentless and is a thick gooey consistency (which can be off-putting if you’re just trying it instore).
- However, this also means that a little dot of product goes a long way.
- It’s meant for night usage cos it can leave a little sticky after-residue on your skin immediately after application.
- It doesn’t actually get completely absorbed, and forms a slight layer over your skin – this layer can get a little cakey if you try to apply makeup over (which explains the advice for nighttime usage).
- However, what I love about this is that it really works – have something red, painful, erupting and can’t afford to have it show up the next day? Apply this and it’ll shrink overnight! (zomg I sound like a walking advertisement).
- Although it can’t be used for day, the fact that it shrinks / makes spots disappear overnight probably takes away the need for an anti-spot treatment in the day.
I’m actually pretty pleased with this product – go forth and purchase this from Olive Young, CNP clinics and Watsons in Korea nao! Oh wait, if you’re in Korea, why not try out their Polishing and Scaling treatment?