As a beauty junkie, I’m often torn between spending my hard-earned moneh on quantity or quality. On one hand, I do love having a ginormous parent-annoying stash of products to dive into, but on the other hand, my shelf is literally bending in from the weight of the stuff I’ve tried to shove into the racks.
But as any true-blue batshit crazy shopping fiend will know, there’s no stopping the insanity. In fact, at the risk of sounding like a nutcase, I really feel an adrenaline rush that makes me want to continue shopping.. and shopping.. and the more shopping bags I accumulate, the happier I get (for that moment). You can’t stahppp meee.
Now that I look back, I’ve heartily smacked myself in the head – DAFUG was I thinking, spending a jaw-dropping KRW90,000 on this foundation?!
AmorePacific Perfection Bloom Natural Finish Foundation – KRW90,000

Lips: YSL Shade 52 (yes, the Cheon Song Yi color!)
Cheeks: Peripera Cushion Blusher
Loose powder, Concealer: None.

I say…
Fine, after reviewing it, I’m slightly less miffed.
- It comes in a glass frosted bottle and a pump system for hygienic dispensing.
- It feels and look luxe enough (I guess?).
- The foundation is really smooth and has a watery-cream consistency – easy to spread and blend.
- You’ll need about a full pump for the entire face.
- It smells a little fragrant, but nothing too overwhelming.
- I love that it blends into a super duper natural finish – it’s as though I had naturally good radiant skin.
- Now the coverage on the medium to high side – you can see some blemishes on the chin that couldn’t be covered, while the eyebags (no concealer there) were slightly covered too.
- It sets into a glowy-matte finish (I’d say 55% glow, 45% matte) – it glows at the right spots such as the nose bridge, cheek bones.
- Although it’s lightweight, it stays surprisingly long (I counted 7 hours) and – doesn’t oxidise- yay!
- I also didn’t have to set it with any loose powder.
- It does however, gradually disappear at areas where the sebum power is strong.
- At SPF20, it’s slightly on the low side, so don’t scrimp on your usual sunblock.
Ok fineeee, this is a good foundation. I just wish I don’t feel so much guilt for spending so much money on it. Meh.