Psychology Magazine
Paperblog Editor's Pick
Cosmic Consciousness
Over at The Morning News, Tim Doody has published a powerful piece on Dr. James Fadiman and his lifelong psychological research into, and on, psychedelics. It i... Read more
The 29 July 2012 by Cris
Prevalence of Mental Disorders
Based on data never before represented in visual form, this infographic depicts results of the Harvard National Comorbidity Survey—Replication (NCS-R), which... Read more
The 28 July 2012 by Infographixdirectory
'Embodied Cognition', by Lawrence Shapiro
'Embodied Cognition', by philosopher Lawrence Shapiro, is not a book advocating for any particular brand of embodiment. Instead, Shapiro has performed an... Read more
The 27 July 2012 by Andrew D Wilson
The Batman Shooter: Can We Blame the Lack of Social Media?
As people make sense of the senseless, like what is being called the Colorado Massacre or the Batman Shooting, we try to find an explanation. The world is a ver... Read more
The 24 July 2012 by Drpamelarutledge
John Berryman and the Poetry of “Irresistible Descent”
“The penal colony’s prime scribe.” “Will power is nothing. Morals is nothing. Lord, this is illness.” —John Berryman, 1971 A year before he committed suicide... Read more
The 21 July 2012 by Dirkh
Cracking the Tough Nut of Chimp Tool Use
A paper just out in PLoSOne reports that chimpanzees, given some experience and enough of a weight difference, prefer to use heavier hammer stones when... Read more
The 20 July 2012 by Andrew D Wilson
The Summer Olympics and the “War on Doping”
Time for a change in strategy? The Summer Olympics are fast approaching, and that can only mean one thing: drugs. After more than a decade, you might wonder, ho... Read more
The 18 July 2012 by Dirkh
Cigarettes: Should the FDA Mandate a National Taper?
Addiction expert calls for reduced-nicotine tobacco. For years now, nicotine researcher Neal Benowitz has been a man on a mission. Dr. Benowitz, a professor of... Read more
The 15 July 2012 by Dirkh
Single Base Sequencing of 5-hydroxy-methyl CpGs is Now Possible
5-hydroxy-methyl CpGs (5-hmCs) were first discovered in 2009 and shown to be enriched in the brain, but remain a mysterious epigenetic mark, despite intriguing... Read more
The 13 July 2012 by Neuroamer
Why Conspiracy Thinks He’s Possessed by Two Intergalactic Space Demons
You may have seen my tweet about the upcoming documentary Mars Project, which tackles complex issues such as mental illness, drug use, psychiatry, race, and... Read more
The 11 July 2012 by Neuroamer