Outdoors Magazine

Posting on Forums

By Svprili @svprili
Joined cruisers forum today. Wow!!! Its like cheating on your homework. All I did was lay a question out there and a bunch of people answered. I just sat back and let the people speak. Well I got a bunch of answers but now I seem to be more confused that ever. I want to be able to save all our DVDs onto a hard drive to be played on the TV and maybe ipads. I got so many answers- apple tv, tb hard drives, extra tb hard drives to back up the hard drives, HDMI, RCA, wifi network, xmbc, WD hub and since when did people call burning a disc "ripping"?I feel like my mom trying to attach the VCR to the back of the TV. I would just buy a 12V TV with a built in DVD player but I have two rug rats that try and act like the biggest and bravest disc jockey's out there scratching them up. Wait is the term disc jockey out dated as well?All I need is some Cinderella and Calliou and I'll be one happy lady, why does it have to be so complicated. Maybe I'll post that question to the forum.  

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