Hair & Beauty Magazine
I know many people have had enough of daylight savings stories but here's mine anyway.
Daylight savings ended last Sunday. Our smart phones are really rather smart and automatically adjust the time. Our normal clocks aren't so smart though.
Unknown to me, I had spent the whole day alternating between the accurate time on my very smart phone and the inaccurate hour-faster time on my not-so-smart clock. FFS
I started preparing dinner at what I thought was 5pm so we could have dinner at 6pm. Of course, it was actually only 4pm. FFS
My little girl was much smarter than me. When I announced that dinner was almost ready, she declared "Wow, today was a very short day, wasn't it?" I did not sense anything wrong still. FFS
I dished out "dinner" (which was really more like afternoon tea) and while waiting for it to cool down for my little girl, I went on my phone and HOLEY DOLEY, how was it only 4:45pm??! FFS
Embarassed and lazy to explain the whole screw up to my very cluey little girl, I whipped out the best parental weapon: "OH, WHO WANTS TO WATCH A MOVIE!?!!" "YAY MOVIE!!!!!!" I received no questions or quizzical look regarding the out-of-the-blue surprise movie time right before "dinner" to fill in the extra time slot. No FFS
I am still confused and wonder what time we actually had our breakfast and lunch. FFS
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This week, the baby strikes again! Bub has been walking much better now and found her way to my makeup cupboard. FFS
It is a temporary cupboard while the ensuite is being finished. There are 5 shelves, 3 of which are completely overrun by beauty products. FFS
Anyway, I caught her very kindly "packing" and rearranging my makeup on the lowest shelf. FFS
Beauty Bloggers, this baby thinks she knows better than any of us when it comes to makeup organization. No shite. FFS
Actually, she was rather gentle. She only mixed up the order of eyeshadows etc but did not actually do any damage....
Until I walked in on her and she panicked, knowing she was being sneaky. She yelled "NO NO NO!" and threw my NARS on the ground with all her might. FFS FFS FFS
Luckily, NARS is so awesome and strong and did not sustain any damage. Not FFS
She cried and screamed her head off when I attempted to grab her and quickly reached for more make up desperately as if her life depended on it. FFS
Man, I have never seen someone more passionate about make up. FFS
Have a great weekend, everyone! xx
Linking up with Dear Baby G because we need an outlet to rant!