Fitness Magazine

Our Favorite Races: Idaho Wine Run

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Recently I posted about My Favorite Races. Today it is time to read about some races I have never done but others recommended!
This race was recommended by Tanya Savage. You can also follow Tanya on twitter.
Race: Idaho Wine Run
Distance: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Kids' Mile
Where: Ste. Chapelle winery, Caldwell, ID
When: September
Reasons given for the recommendation:
I recommend this race because it seems that I use this race as a life turning point. The first time I ran it, it was the half marathon. I decided I would sign up for an ultra! The second time was last year and I did the marathon. I ended a six-year relationship and moved onto my own two days after the race. Not much a race recovery but it was healing. But besides the personal emotional aspects of this race, there is wine on the course. It is at the 5K turnaround, where all the distances minus the kids run past. There is more wine tasting, music, and food tasting afterwards too. I planned on doing the full marathon as a redemption race but with so much going on for me this year, I will most likely be doing the 5K. If you want to register using my name (TANYA) will get you a discount on any race distance.
You can read more about Tanya's race experience HERE!
    Daily Gratitude: I am thankful flowers.
    Daily Affirmation: My cooking skills are improving.

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