Creativity Magazine

on My Baby Garden...

By Calicotales @calicotales
For Mother's Day my mother-in-law gifted me with some herbs and veggies to start a garden. I was thrilled! My dad a few years back bought me a fun patio garden that was perfect size to put on our fire escape. My mother-in-law is seriously so wonderful and I know you all are just as jealous as ever :) She's so great that she even came to my house to help me dig up a quick garden. It's not all that fancy, the ground is lopsided which by the way makes me want to rip my hair out and let's not get into the whole I think rabbits are eating my zucchini leafs right off the stems. But none the less, it's my baby garden and I heart it.Isn't it darling. It's the best feeling being able to just go out back for all my essential herbs. I have rosemary, parsley, basil, cilantro, mint & dill!Like I said nothing extravagant but it does the job. You really should see my mother-in-law's garden--BEEAUTIFUL! And by golly I already have myself some baby tomatoes. Hurrah! Although I have noticed some bothersome vermin eating my zucchini leaves. They should be ashamed of themselves! It looks like they are shallowing right off the stem...WHOLE! I'm thinking that it's those cute wittle rabbits who hop around our lawn that are doing the deed but no proof yet.I've been getting some inspiration off Pinterst for some neat garden crafts since I do plan to spiffy it up a bit. I might have to resort to putting up a low fence if whatever it is doesn't stop helping themselves to my crop. Dangit!Well, there you have it my little darling garden. Note to friends (wait, what friends?) you must be extra sweet to this lady if you want any of my harvest. Just saying. Are you growing a garden? My dream is to have my own green house! How cool would it be to have all these delicious veggies year round!♥A.

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