1// Dorney Park. Next weekend we are heading down to Dorney Park for one finally summer time hurrah! We have season passes and the park doesn't close until November but obviously we only have a limited time to enjoy the water park, which is Sebastian's favorite. We'll be staying at the Holiday Inn right across the park from Friday through Sunday and plan on having lots of much needed family fun. I am most excited about it.
2// Mums!
I spotted some Mums at WholeFoods for sale yesterday and I instantly became all giddy. I've made it a tradition to plant some Mums for the kick off to Fall. I always think it's so exciting buying Mums while their still buds and seeing them bloom into there rich fall colors. We have a small fire escape in the back of our apartment that is big enough for a few pots of flowers and my patio garden which is always festive during this time of year.3// Baking. Thrilled to finally go full throttle with baking all my goodies. Like I've said before I dislike baking in the summer heat, at least right now in our tiny apartment. I have so many goodies planned and I'm looking forward to sharing recipes with all of you.
4// Pumpkin Everything. Need I say more!? My husband, Bobby always likes to tease me and say that when this time of year rolls around I always turn a hint of orange with all the pumpkin everything that I eat, drink or shove in my mouth. It's a very bad time for my buns of steal and thunder thighs. But alas, it's all good.
5// Clothes/Colors. Fall is for layers, scarfs, boots and the lovely colors! I love me some cool colors. My most recent purchase is this jean jacket from Modcloth. I'm over the moon about it! There is so many fun things you can do with your wardrobe in the Fall/Winter and can't wait. I'll be able to wear jeans again and all my hoodies. Nothing better than that!
6// Television Shows. If you didn't think this was going to make it on this list then you just don't know me? Just teasing. But really, you don't! Fall is for all my beloved shows to come back on! I've been missing all of them so much and literally counting the days down. And by literally I mean seriously counting down the days, for example, Glee will be back in just 6 days people! This is the just one of many. I was a little discouraged that most of my shows for some reason are reappearing in October but good 'ol Glee did not disappoint. Then of course Vampire Diaries, which is easily my favorite show ever in the entire Universe. American Horror Story, crazy scary stuff is foretold to be happening on this season. Nothing like the last with only a few of the same characters showing their faces. Walking Dead, can't leave out my zombies. Come on! Once Upon A Time, I have to squeeze in a cute little fairy tale show. And of course there is Grimm. I am not entirely partial to this show which has really actually become my husbands show. I just watch it for the habit of watching it. It almost feels wrong for me to not keep up with the story. This new season is off to a good start though and I hope they keep at it! Also some new shows like; 666 Park Avenue, Arrow (something that the hubby might like), Beauty and the Beast and Cult are all worth checking out!7// Soccer Season. Sebastian is starting soccer! For his birthday my Mother and Father in law gifted him with some soccer. In just a couple weeks he will have his first practice starting on Saturdays and then games afterwards. For a busy parent like me Saturday practices and games are a blessing! It will be interesting to see how it all goes. Sebastian is an extremely active boy so I think he will be in heaven as he gets to run around and kick a ball. Perfect for my kid :) Another chapter in our lives gets me all teary eyed.
8// Work. Fall & Winter are my busy months at my little coffee shop. Being busy is fine by me. I like to keep moving so the work days go by quick. With being in a mall the holidays are a treat and something I really do adore. Of course, I might not be saying all this when the times comes because really it can be super tiring but trust me I so enjoy it. Plus seeing the mall decorated in all the Christmas cheer. Squeal!
What are you looking forward to in the months ahead?