This isn’t a woe is me post, this is a let’s be real life sucks sometimes post. As much as I would like my life to be happiness & good things that just isn’t realistic. Things tend to go in cycles, you have a period of really great things happening and then some of those not so great things happen. I was thinking about the past year and just how cyclical it has been. 6 months of good, 6 months of bad.
The Good:
- The Summer of 2012 will probably be the best summer ever. It’s hard to top a summer full of fun and our wedding.
- Our fabulous honeymoon to LA and Thailand.
- The mostly drama free October- early December.
The Bad:
- Identity Theft (still dealing with this)
- Scott’s skin cancer
- Dealing with other medical issues (see this post for more information on that)
- House Drama- We were supposed to close today and right now it is Wednesday, fingers and toes crossed that it actually happens. Hopefully the worlds worst financial company (Metropolitan Financial, if you are in the Twin Cites stay very very far away from them) will get it together.
So how do you deal when you have had more bad happen in 6 months than most people deal with in their entire lives? You just keep moving forward.
What works?
- Yoga
- Working out, having time to just listen to music and do some hardcore cardio and lift weights. It helps take your mind off your stress.
- Enjoy a glass of wine (maybe not the whole bottle at one time but sitting down with a glass of wine and a good tv show really does help)
- Find a series of books to get lost in, I am finishing up the Outlander series. Nothing like time travel, romance, and war to help you think about something else.
- Get in the kitchen. Cooking is a huge stress reliever for me. It doesn’t all turn out but it’s still a great way to pass the time.
What hasn’t helped?
- Friends and family. I know this seems like it would help, but while they mean well, they just don’t understand.
- Social activities when you really don’t feel like being social. Yes going out can help take your mind off things but sometimes it just make it worse. I am beginning to learn that it is best to avoid those situations.
- Social media. While I am happy for others who are in that good things cycle it can make you feel worse about your situation. Checking Facebook/Twitter/Blogs less has helped me avoid some of those feelings.
For the next few months I am focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. I know our luck will eventually change!