Creativity Magazine

on Being a Newbie...

By Calicotales @calicotales
on being a newbie...

Since it was my first time attending BlogHer I was most definitely a newbie! I sure am stocked that now I can officially be part of the community. However I feel like after this past weekend I can share with all of you some lessons I learn while being one of the new gals...

1\\ Make business/blog cards! There is a reason this is number one. Holy cow. Truthfully I had no idea how important cards were until the first day at BlogHer as everyone was asking for my non-existent cards. I read on another newbie post somewhere out there in the  world wide web how cards were key and I even past the info along to my blogger bffs. For me, time slipped by and I found myself without cards (and mind you it felt like I was the only one in all the land) until my husband saved the day. After seeing how dramatically upset I was at being without cards he went right online to Staples and quickly made some cards with all my valuable info. He did a great job, a pure peach in my heart. He placed the order and I went right over to Staples Copy and Print store to pick them up that was just down the street from the hotel. Only took two hours! I was saved. Make cards. It really is the best way to get yourself out there, just hand 'em a card :) 

2\\ On that topic, bring something to keep all your cards in! I swear I was busting at the seams with cards here and there. Next time I will invest in a little business card holder. Maybe even have two, one for my own cards to pass out and another to keep all of the others that I have received. Another thing that I think I will do next time is scribble right on the persons card where I met them. Was it at the newbie breakfast or was it at the session Blogging for the Love of it? I felt at times some of the faces and people I met were a blur with everything that was going on. So, a little note to myself will do that way I can reconnect and have some sort of idea about the person and their interests or what we might have in common. 

3\\Bring a notepad and pen, Ipad or laptop. Next time I will probably carry my MacBook into each session. I think it would be so nice to just go right to the websites or blogs or resources that are being talked about and see them first hand. Then just bookmark them for later. Fast and easy and no forgetting anything. 

4\\ There will be lots of swag! With around 130 vendors you will be getting to knew a ton of fun new products or services. The swag is awesome but it can get to be a lot and heavy. I mean people were shipping all their swag home for goodness sake! I swear my swag bag weighed about 5 pounds. Make sure you know what you are going to do with all of it. I know I will be packing one X-Large suitcase to fit everything in one shot. 

5\\ Get dressy. I did a good job with this! Go me :) I know a lot of women who where thinking "comfortable" which is great but with all the parties in the evenings it's nice to get fancy and do yourself up. We don't get to do that often! Get I get an AMEN?! 

Also, I found myself very cold when sitting in on the sessions. The hotel was super air conditioned which was amazing considering it was a bajillion degrees outside but I always had a cardigan with me. 

6\\ Another handy thing I wish I brought was a simple folder to keep coupons or any other handouts that I got throughout my time at BlogHer. I know I misplaced a few things along the way. I'm big on organization and I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the stuff!!

Well, that's some of the basic things that I would modify in order to have the ultimate experience for BlogHer 13!! Is there anything that you think you would of done different??

on being a newbie...

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