Creativity Magazine
I was gifted a really great workbook for Christmas and fell in love with the thoughts that author Leonie Dawson implanted into my brain. It's a fabulous tool to map out goals and dreams for the new year and also takes it a step further and helps to plan things to achieve in your business (if you have one). One of the things she has you think about is a theme word for the year (or a sacred word which is how she describes it!).
It didn't take long for me to come up with my word. Growth. I knew that this year I want to grow. In so many ways. I hope to grow as a person. I want to grow in taking care of my body. I want to grow in my passions and focus on myself more often. I want to grow as a mother and learn what it means to be a mother and more about what kind of mother I want to be. I yearn to help Sebastian grow. Guide him to be the best, to learn and achieve all the good that he has in him. I want to grow as a wife. I want to be more patient and more open. I want to lift Bobby up and be a cheerleader to all his wants and dreams even if he doesn't think he can make them happen! I want to grow and mold into the person I see when I close my eyes.
I want to grow into my faults, not just know them, but overcome them. We never stop growing but I know now that I want to grow more than ever. I will never be perfect but I want to try to be! Not only do I want to grow but I want to help others grow. I want to see people in my life be the best that they can be. Inspire and encourage them to understand that they don't have to succumb to person they think they need to be. You never have to be that person just because, you chose to be. There's never ever anyone forcing you to be who you are, you can be what you want to be in this life.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hate seeing people give up and keep living just because they don't seem to want or now how to grow. Doesn't matter who you are, how old you are or what has happened to you in the past. I believe we can all rise up to ourselves and grow to be a better version of ourselves. To be happy and whole and love ourselves and for others to love us in return.
Growth is my theme word and it's not only my theme word for this year but for the rest of my life. I hope to always grow and learn about myself.
What is your theme word for the year? I could pick so many!!