Creativity Magazine

on a Move...

By Calicotales @calicotales
on a move...
Now that we've told all our family I wanted to share the news here about our move to SEATTLE! It's been talked about for many months now and slowly we've been sharing the news to our close family and friends. Behind closed doors Bobby and I have been talking about a move to Seattle way before he even proposed to me. It's been on the brain for quite some time. 

Moving to Philadelphia for me was something I had to do when I did. I met Bobby and fell in love quick and hard and it was sort of my ticket to get away from some hard times. That moment in my life when I packed my tiny little VW Golf up with all my belongings and started to drive with Bobby by my side away from all that I knew and everyone I loved was something that I will never regret. Even with moving away from my home and losing the ability to create memories with my family and friends, I gained so many other memories equally precious. I've become part of another family who has done so much for me and my little family. Heck, how many of you out there can say you truly head-over-heels love your in-laws? I can! 

No doubt it will be hard to leave all these beautiful people here on the East Coast but in no way is it a goodbye more like a see ya later :) I want to live this life with open arms and following our dreams, hopes and hearts. For now I dream of Sebastian getting to know my father. I want him to interact and know the good man my father is. I want Sebastian to learn Hungarian and be around my culture. I want to go to Tony and Guy Hair Academy and becoming a hair stylist and then open up my own hair studio with my little sister. We have many dreams as a family but in the end it's just to be happy and things that we love. Not only all that, I just plain 'ol miss my family. Those dreams wouldn't be at all possible if I didn't have the most supportive husband in all the land! We are always learning new things about each other but one thing that will never change about Bobby is that he will always be right there beside me no matter what. I think he secretively loves my ambitious soul even if I can act all crazy sometimes. Bobby is great and wants our family to move forward and be happy. This move weighs a little less on us knowing that the company Bobby works for is letting him keep his current position so that he can work remotely out in Seattle. Huge deal and makes things easier for us once out there. We plan on staying with my family so that we can save a little money and look for our perfect house in the perfect school district for Sebastian.

So with that being said we are planning this move to happen at the end of this year. We still do not have a set date but hope to lock it down by the Summer. There's lots to plan and organize. We've already started sifting through things and boxing up belongings that can be put away for when we are ready to load up. I'm excited to start the next chapter in our lives and am super grateful for all our family & friends who are here to support and help us. 

Here's to new beginnings and fulfilling dreams. Seattle here we come!!


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