What time is it? Time for TWIW.
Here we go again!It's time for #TWIW|This Week in Workouts.
It's TWIW-O'Clock!
If you are a new reader and wondering just what TWIW is, well I can certainly fill you in! It's a chance for you to brag and celebrate all of your workouts and/or fitness accomplishments from the past week. I love sharing successes and celebrating the simple things, because we all know sometimes just making it to the gym at all deserves to be celebrated. It can be as long or short, detailed or brief. There are no rules!
We are getting a little bit more advanced here, so you can actually just add your link to this post! Pretty sweet, huh? If you are not a blogger and wanna share your week in workouts, simply add them to the comments section at the end of this post (or start a blog lol). I am looking forward to sharing some fitness love with you all.
Here we go:
Monday: PT Session 60 minutes without my trainer (he was sick so I did the workout he had planned)
Tuesday: BodyStep 60 minutesWednesday: PT Session 60 minutes +Tabata Sprints & Planks
Thursday: OFF
Friday: PT Session
Saturday: Hot Yoga
Sunday: 45 Step Mill Intervals + 10 minute core training
Today I barely made it to the gym. I was reading The Hunger Games at about 10:00am and I was planning to take the day off, but I was feeling really restless. So, I decided to burn off a little extra energy by torturing myself with some intervals on the step mill. If you are going to "do cardio" at the gym, I highly recommend intervals. They are tough, but totally worth it.
I definitely had a great week this week for my workouts. I feel lean and mean (but really I am still nice). I was also on vacation (or stay-cation) this week so I had a little extra time on my hands. I am back to work next week, but I am going to keep the ball rolling with plenty of gorgeous workouts. Are you making the time?

The only thing I have planned for the rest of the day is eating (and eating and eating) and watching play-off baseball. If you are Canadian...Happy Thanksgiving! If you aren't...well Happy Sunday. Cheers to another successful week of fitness and I am looking forward to the upcoming week!
Don't forget to share! I dare you! Go on, link up.
Happy Reading,