Hi everyone, sorry for not keeping up with regular posts. For the past week, I've been busy with a week long Sikh wedding. It's been the longest and most extravagant wedding I've been to.
My husband was the best man, and I was made the groom's honourary sister-in-law. This meant we were invited to all the festivities including family gatherings and parties. By the end of the week, my husband and I were extremely exhausted. We had an amazing time though, the groom's family relatives we so welcoming that I really felt part of the family.

Here are a couple of pics of the bride and groom.They are such a perfectly matched couple with so much in common.
The bride is beautiful. She looked like a film star at the wedding reception. The groom is wearing a kilt, as like my husband he was born and bred in Scotland. Below is a pic of them wearing more traditional wedding clothing:

As sister-in-law, my duties included performing traditional ceremonies such as smearing the groom with tumeric paste, and applying eyeliner in a Punjabi eyelining ritual. Here is a pic of me nervously eyeing the eyeliner.

Here is a pic of me with husband and sister-in-law at the wedding reception. The sister of the groom generously gave me this gorgeous blue dress to wear and keep.

My husband was a little nervous as he had to deliver a best man speech to over 400 guests. His family were also invited to the wedding as his whole family has known the groom's family for years. My husband and the groom has been friends ever since they were five. The groom was the best man at our wedding.
The skirt of my new outfit was a little long, and I didn't own any shoes that were very high heeled. I bought this nude pair from Aldo, along with a pair of velvet in-soles to make them fit better. I love nude heels as they make the legs look longer and pretty much goes with most of my outfits.