Fitness Magazine


By Heathernichole
This was a very good night. September 8th 2013. My fiancé had heard me sing but he had never seen me perform on stage. I dedicated a song to him that night - Love Song by Miranda Lambert. This song is basically us. Here are the lyrics:I was standing there crying in the kitchenIt's been one of those mornings that's gonna last all day And he comes in, wraps his arms around me And I don't even have to say a thing That's what makes it loveThat's what makes it a love song He comes in, slams the door behind himAnd he can't hide the worry on his face Even though I got a million things to tell him I know right now he just needs some space That's what makes it loveThat's what makes it a love song That's what makes it love That's what makes it a love song Everybody always sings about itHow they're never gonna live without it We don't even have to talk about it 'Cuz We're livin it out That's what makes it loveThat's what makes it a love song That's what makes it love That's what makes it a love song
And if you'd like to watch the video of me singing to Stephen, click here.
PS - I can not believe we are officially in the teens. Seems like we were just in the 100's.
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