Good afternoon

Whew, I feel like I have a lot to talk about! I take a mini break from blogging to try and be a good student to study for a test, but then it backfires and I feel like I have missed too much

Lets start with yesterday shall we?
A couple of days ago, I decided to order something of iHerb. I had never ordered anything from there but have been wanting to try a few things. I decided not to go way too overboard and only order two things.

PB2 and peanut flour. Yes, they are both from the peanut family which I didn’t even notice until after I made the purchase. What can I say? I love peanut butter:)
Peanut flour is a flower made from peanuts which is gluten free and has a very high protein content. I am excited to try it!
PB2 on the other hand, is peanut butter in powder form. It has the fat and oil removed from it and is only 45 calories for 2 tablespoons.
I have only tried the PB2 so far. My verdict? It’s pretty good, but as a hardcore peanut butter lover, it isn’t my favorite. I love how you can eat peanut butter straight from a spoon, whereas PB2 has pretty much the same taste but not the same. If ya know what I mean. Nothing really compares to the real thang

iHerb also added in a few extra goodies into the package which I was not expecting.

I have no idea what any of these things are, but hey they were free so fine with me.
OH! Plus, if you have never ordered from iHerb before, I have a special code for you all to get $5 off! They literally have everything so I recommend you check it out.
Code: QAV545
I didn’t get to the gym till around 6 pm last night which is a lot later than usual for me. Yesterday was my strength training day so my mom and I did 20 minutes on the treadmill to start. I completed this hilly workout but cut out the first five minutes. It’s a good one! Afterwards, we completed this strength routine that I came up with beforehand.
For the combined sets, you do the workouts simultaneously. For the supersets, you do them one after the other then rest. Each workout is 15 reps, 3 sets.
- Combined Set 1- Deadlift + Upright Row with a Calf Raise. Basically you do the deadlift and go straight into the upright row on your toes, then repeat.
- Superset 2- Squat swing with a dumbell (like kettle bell) with a jump + Bicep 21s.
- Combined Set 3- One arm overhead shoulder press + Lunge (use the same leg, same shoulder).
- Superset 4- Chest Press + Triceps (overhead)
- Set 5- 1 minute regular plank, 30 second right side plank, 30 second left side plank.
Short but effective workout. Just how I like it.
Fast forward to this morning:
I was up late last night and up early as well studying for my midterm. My mom decided to be super nice and make me breakfast

Omelet, a piece of ww toast with some butter, and a mini turkey sausage. Perfect fuel for my test, and a good change up from my regular weekday oats or yogurt.
I finished my test in 20 minutes. Seriously. But now it is the weekend so that made me super happy:)
After class I had a good hour or so before the Bikram yoga class I wanted to take. My tummy was rumbling so I decided to make myself a snack to fill me up, but not be too heavy.
Insert, pumpkin protein muffin from Chelsey.

I didn’t have ground flax for the “flax egg” but I decided to use wheat germ instead. I do not think they relate to each other in any way but I didn’t know what else to do. My stomach was yelling at me to hurry up and who the f cares how I make the flax egg. I decided to roll with it and it still came out good!! Maybe a little soft, but yummy nonetheless.
Anything with pumpkin is bound to be delicious. I topped it with some PB2 (much better on this muffin than alone), cherry preserves, and shredded coconut. YUM! The perfect amount for before yoga. Thanks again Chelsey

Family Scare
Once I got into my car after yoga, I had a missed call and a text from my mom. It said that my grandma was in the hospital. I immediately freaked out, pretty much hyperventilated, and called my mom 792 times with no answer. I just sat there and prayed to God she was alright and to please watch over her.
My mom finally called me back and sounded normal. I was expecting hysterically crying, yelling, something but nope she sounded fine. I was confused and she told me that my grandma just had surgery done for her cataracts without telling us. I burst into tears (mind you, I NEVER cry) and told my mom I thought she had a heart attack, was dying, or something very severe. My mom kind of chuckled and felt really bad that she scared me but I just thanked God that she was okay.
My grandma is VERY stubborn and does not like to rely on anyone for anything. She grew up constantly taking care of her younger sister and was pretty much the authority figure. She refuses to ask us for anything, but always gives us everything. My grandma is my hero and I look up to her in so many ways. I know she knows how much I appreciate everything she has done for me, but I need to take more time to really show her how much I care. It is a very littler thing compared to all she has done.
This scare just made me realize that I NEED to start calling her every day. I also need to start calling my Dad and Brother more too. Sometimes we go weeks without talking to each other AT ALL. At least I talk to my brother via twitter and facebook (sad I know) and my mom I live with, but I barely ever hear from my dad or my grandma.
You never really know when something could happen, or when your life, or a loved ones life could come to an end. I really don’t mean to end this post on an upsetting note, but it is definitely something to think about.
New Goal: Call my loved ones A LOT more often. Tell them I love them everyday

Okay, I’m done:P
This post ended up being SUPER long, thanks to those of you who read through it! I know my attention span is like a goldfish’s at times (.25 milliseconds), so I’m sure some of you are the same.
Have you ever tried PB2?
For those of you who have peanut flour, give me ideas of what to do with it!
How often do you talk to your family that you don’t live with?
What are your tactics to remind yourself to call?