I’m a networker. In person I say hello introduce myself and engage the many new people I meet as actively as I can. Because I’m a CPA and it is “tax season” I haven’t been that active as of late, the IRS does not have patience and can’t wait. Networking is important and there are many ways to effectively perform it.
Take advantage of the errands you run. You would be surprised who you can meet at the dry cleaners and grocery store. Reach out say hello and offer a business card to the many businesses you patronize. I’ve landed a client or two this way. It was easy to make them at ease based on my friendly approach and ability to explain my services quickly and simply. Find a common connection, smile to break the ice. It’s best to know a couple of key facts about their business ahead of time. Get that elevator pitch ready and have it memorized to pull out at a moments notice. You can meet many people in elevators!
Know how to define what Facebook, Twitter and Linked In, etc. are quickly and simply. Many know about this thing called social media but are unsure of what it is exactly. Make it a part of that important elevator speech. Leave them thinking about you so that when you follow up with a phone call and possible email or snail mail it will be easy to hire you.
Are your ducks in a row? What I mean is after you’ve given your elevator pitch, what will that potential client refer to? Is your website ready with pricing that offers customization, it better? Businesses, especially small business in America and overseas are struggling. It’s my belief that a social media strategy for advertising can be a ramp to improving any small business.
My elevator pitch took me a long time to develop and iron out, it evolved over time just like social media. Flex your muscle and put your best foot forward.