Fitness Magazine

NeoCell: A Product Review

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
This is a sponsored post. In October I received product from NeoCell at no charge to review. I received one bottle of Keratin Hair Volumizer and one bottle of Super Collagen +C to sample. I did not promise a positive review. The opinions expressed below are solely my own.
Aloha and Happy Tuesday!
NeoCell: A Product Review
When I received the email from NeoCell I was instantly interested; however, when I looked deeper I saw that the protein powder they originally offered did contain dairy. Bummer. I expressed my interest in their product but said I am a dairy free type of gal. They kindly directed me to the page of their supplements that are indeed dairy free. Woo-hoo! My dream of healthier hair may just indeed come true!
Yes, that is the girlie side of me. I dream of lovely curls bouncy beautifully in the wind with vibrant color and no yucky ends. Don't we all? The sales representative listened to my dreams and pointed me more firmly in the right direction telling me those who tried the Keratin Hair Volumizer have had happy results. We also decided upon the Super Collagen +C for dear hubby to try to see if it helped his aches.
Before I go further, let's talk about collagen and what all this hoopla is all about. First, collagen is the main structural protein in your connective tissue. Mine too. In fact, all animals. If you really want to get into it, collagen yields a gelatin when boiled. Fun, huh? Okay, so collagen is in our connective tissue. So what? Well, it is argued that taking collagen supplements can increase the strength in your bones (nice news for a lady with osteopenia), nails, hair (yippee!), and skin. It is further argued that collagen can help your heart and increase the rate of wounds healing. Coolio! Sounds pretty neat, huh? But you know where I was dreaming of going with bouncy, beautiful curls. For dear hubby, I was hoping it would help his aching knees.
Introducing November. My goal was to take my Keratin Hair Volumizer daily while dear hubby took the Super Collagen +C daily. I succeeded. He didn't. I guess I should have given it to him myself each and every day but seriously, I am not one to force someone into things. So his trial is essentially null and void. Don't worry. I added on a personal trial myself of the Super Collagen +C in December in order to write my honest review of both products.
NeoCell: A Product ReviewKeratin Hair Volumizer: I must confess, at the end of November I did notice a bit more bounciness in my hair. I had also secretly hoped that I would have less hair falling out. I really don't know if I do since it did cycle anyhow but I am leaning towards nope. I still have hair falling out left and right. Oh well! The changes in this first month weren't mind blowing though as nothing was night and day. Just small changes that I thought I could see but wasn't 100% convinced I wasn't seeing things that weren't there. Does that make sense?
Super Collage +C: In December I was out of the Keratin Hair Volumizer  and started taking the Super Collagen +C. Please note, I started taking one tablet a day but in a few days I opted to take two. The recommended dosage is 6 but I am not one to take tons of tablets multiple times throughout the day. What kind of test monkey does that make me? Well, a good one because by the end of December I can honestly say, this stuff is making a difference! What I can't say is if the Super Collagen +C is better than the Keratin Hair Volumizer (with the two tablets I am taking now though it is more collagen supplement each day) or if I just needed more time with the supplements in order to see marked improvements.
NeoCell: A Product ReviewMy hair, yes, it is healthier but I made another switch in December with the shampoo darling daughter and I are using. That is another post. Is my hair still falling out, yes. I guess it always will. Darnit. So what is so wonderful? I HAVE FINGERNAILS!!! Honestly, I haven't had fingernails with any sort of length my whole entire life except for one not quite nine month spell. Yes, I had long, strong nails when I was pregnant. I attribute that to my pre-natal vitamins. Hmmm....I wonder if there is collagen in those??? And they were prescription vitamins so I can't even go look at a label in the store.
In a nutshell, I am hooked! When I am out of this stuff I will be buying more Super Collagen +C from NeoCell. I can't see what it is doing inside in terms of my connective tissue and/or heart health but I can say, visibly stronger nails is a plus and I have enough knowledge in me to know that my hair must be getting stronger too. Who knows, maybe one day I will see less hair fall!
Thank you NeoCell for giving me this opportunity to try and review your product!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for this opportunity from NeoCell.
Daily Affirmation: I am a beautiful, strong woman.

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