Hair & Beauty Magazine

Nars - Pro Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
Nars - Pro Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base
This came in a package of Nars eye products, along with mascara, eye makeup remover and a liquid eyeliner pen. At first, I didn't really get excited about it. I tried the other products, threw this in a drawer, and pretty much forgot about it. Then one day I was rooting around in my drawer looking for an eyeshadow, and my hand closed around this. I thought, "hey, why not?" So I tried it out.
Now, eyeshadows are a challenge for me. I have a lot of problems with creasing, and even some of the best shadow primers don't work for me all day long (don't hate me, but UDPP is one of them).
So you can imagine my surprise when this worked like a dream. It went on smoothly, it did a great job of holding my shadow in place - and, best of all, it lasted all day. I don't think it will replace my Too Faced Shadow Insurance (mainly because it's quite expensive and I'm not a fan of applicators that go back into the product - easier to contaminate with bacteria that way) but I'm definitely glad I gave it a try!
Packaging: 3/5 
Product quality: 5/5
Worth the price? It's good, but not better than cheaper alternatives. If you really like Nars, or if you find it as part of a package, give it a try. If you're on a budget, stick to one of the cheaper alternatives.
Would I purchase again? Possibly.

Cruelty-Free? Still looking into it.Where to find it: Nars online.

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