Fitness Magazine

My Yoga Muses

By Nadine
I love this post from Everything Yoga on finding your muse. So what are my Yoga muses? What brings me back to my mat?
  • That feeling I have when I'm really in a pose. When the only thing I'm focusing on is my body, my breath and that moment. Whether it's Downward Dog, Triangle or Sphinx, it's that feeling of connection.
  • How well my body moves in Yoga and afterward, and how poorly it moves if I let my practice slide.
  • That feeling I get when I do a pose for the first time (or sometimes for the hundredth time), when it was something I couldn't do before.
  • How my Yoga mat feels like home, no matter where I am when I'm practicing.
  • Those moments of serenity and peace that I experience while meditating, even if I'm not gifted with them every time I sit down.
  • The absolute certainty I have that this is where I'm meant to be.

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