I have struggled with my weight for what seems like forever. I have tried various diets and even starvation (which really screwed me up – whatever you do, don’t do that!) I’ve tried exercise, and usually it didn’t have the results I wanted. I’m even ashamed to admit it, but I tried diet pills a few years ago. They worked, but my doctor didn’t want me on them for very long and so once I stopped taking them, poof, all the benefits were gone. But nothing has really worked with my weight loss journey.
After 3 pregnancies and hitting the big 4-0 I have topped out at a whopping 184 lbs! My heaviest ever. I hated looking in the mirror and despised going clothes shopping. Instead of trying to look nice I opted for Old Navy jeans and T-shirts as my daily uniform. I dreaded those occasions when I needed to look nice, like my friend’s recent wedding. I could never find a dress or outfit that looked nice on me. So this past December, right before the whole New Years Resolution thing, I decided to try Weight Watchers Online. I have tried WW before and had good luck, but for one reason or another I never stuck with it. I know the last time I tried it was after I had Matthew and I was in the depths of depression from learning of his diagnosis. I was doomed before I even started.
Now, I’m down 15.4 lbs and I am feeling much better. I have had some ups and downs along the way (or should I say weigh?). I am really trying to look at this as long term lifestyle changes and I find I am willing to make those changes. WW is not the reason for that change of heart, and neither is the desire to be thin. Actually, learning about Matthew’s autism recovery has been the guiding force behind this change. I have watched, actually, I have been an active member in his transformation and I know so much of it is from making a conscious decision to eat real food. I can no longer eat processed foods. I can’t eat things full of chemicals. I want foods that are homemade and come from whole foods. Larry and I have gotten on a green smoothie kick, and we drink one almost every morning. We start the day with kale, cucumber, celery, parsley and hot peppers. The nutritional value of that drink is just amazing and I feel good for drinking it. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy having a dessert or treat sometimes, but I find myself gravitating to those desserts I make, not bought stuff full of crap. We just don’t eat much of that at all anymore.
And exercise. Well it is super important. But I’m not so worried, at least right now, about gaining huge muscles. No, instead I just try to walk 5 days a week. I get myself on our treadmill when our youngest naps and I go, go, go. I pull out my iPad and watch some episode of Saving Grace, Dr Who or Shameless and when I’m done I feel wonderful. I’m hoping to get into the Couch to 5 K once my PT says I’m good to run again. But until then I’ll just keep up the walking.
Well, that is is a huge update. I have met several of my first smaller goals, and I can’t wait to keep you posted on my progress. How do you keep your weight under check?
Current Stats
Weight: 169 lbs
Dress Size: 14
Waist: 35 inches
Hips: 44 inches
Bust: 41 inches