I am on a mission, a virtual mission, to run to Toby and to spread awareness of Down syndrome everywhere I go! It really is a neat mission and even though I don't go to "Mission Control" daily to update my mission, I log my miles daily on my paper log and on Daily Mile, so when I do report in I can bring things up to date. Plus I am in almost constant contact with my buddy through his amazing Mom.
Why am I telling you this? Because it matters. It means the world to me and I am so honored and blessed to run for Toby that I want to jump up and down and shout it from the mountaintops. God perfectly matched me with Toby, my forever buddy, and his Mom, my spiritual counterpart and sister in Christ. Together we are achieving great things through our daily battles and hurdles. We share our joys and our tears but most importantly, we share our prayers. Life is so much better when it is guided by a purpose and that purpose is not the number of medals on my hanger, shoes in my closet, likes on my facebook posts, or comments on my blog. What matters most is how you make others feel, how you pray for them, putting someone's needs ahead of your own, and following the path that you are truly meant to follow in your life.
The Kaua'i Marathon is quickly approaching and I am scared and excited. I have been knocked off of my training plan more than I would hope for due to colds. Colds have entered our household more so than ever this season and I have fallen victim to the coughing and my lungs have yelled out. But through this I remember, I am blessed to be able to run every single day through this. I am finding that things are indeed out of my control in so many ways. Perhaps God is trying to teach me that I need to let go of "my training plans" and follow His. I have faith I will do just fine come race day. I am not looking to PR. The course is a tough one with pretty intense hills but that is fine. I know it will be tough and my goal is to run it without losing my faith or purpose in running. To remember I am blessed to be able to run, that I am setting a good example for darling daughter, that I am running for Toby and Down syndrome awareness, and most importantly, I am running the race that God has set before me.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful that in the virtual world I can run on water. It makes me smile just to think about the ocean and reefs below my feet.
Daily Bible Verse: The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. ~ Proverbs 16:9