Let me first start buy saying this is my first blog. I will try and get better at it over time.
We bought a boat with the wrong layout - problem number one!
Problem number two - years of small water leaks around the chain plates and other areas causing a lot problems .
Number three - we had a small budget to start with and we knew we could refit over time.
Wow let me say that again WOW!!!!! Lucky I don't refit boats for a living because I would be bankrupt by now. Miss judged this one by a mile. And the biggest problem of all is me. I like things to be done right and my way. Knowing myself we should have just bought an old haul and started from scratch, because that is basically what’s happening any way. If we could start the boat search over we would look at things very differently. With all that said I am a very determined person and will make her into the most amazing vessel to ride the high seas. The count down has started, pressure is on , and this is when I am at my best. With all that said here are my pros and cons.
Cons are in no particular order
1. many issues you cant see till you get in to it.
2. major refits have many many highs and lot more lows.
3. Money money and more money, then when you think you are almost there break out more money.
4. I never feel like I am getting anywhere on the projects .
5. Very hard to see light at end of the tunnel.
6. If you think it will take one hour it will take five hours and more money
7. Way upside down with money in this boat.
8. Did I mention the MONEY?
1. I know every inch of the boat
2. Since I am completely installing all new systems myself I am able to install them in a way they can be easily serviced and repaired, all the time thinking “what they hell were there thinking when they put that there?” This is a big pro for me.
3. I will have great pride in her when we are done and sailing.
4. Hopefully no unwanted surprises when we’re sailing in rough weather with screaming kids…. I hope.
5. We have been able to spread the rebuild cost over the last year.
6. And I sure am proud of her. I may get her tattooed on my arm – just don’t tell my wife.

That's it for now!!!!!