Fashion Magazine

Multitasking in Style

By Reasonstodress
Is it just me or is time getting faster?
Tuesday goes and then, just like that, its back again.

I’m going through a weird phase right now.  My son turns 3 at the end of March and starts real Italian kindergarten in September.  I feel like I only have a few more precious months to enjoy him before he turns into a “big boy”.  I know I’m being silly….or am I?

I’ve always thought of September at the real “New Year”, when we all go back to school and become adults and responsible.  It may only be January, but in my mind it is already the end of August and I’m worried about how fast time has flown and continues to fly.

real mom in style, real mom style, italian style, italian way of life, linkups, fashion blogger, blogger di moda, blogger di moda in modena, women's fashion blogger, blogger discover new brands, Expat fashion blogger, italian english blogger, blog dedicated to trends, fall and winter trends, trends for moms, momtrends, multitasking mom, being a stylish mom, multitasking in style,, reasons to dress, #reasonstodress, italian lifestyle blog, #lblogger,#lifestyleblogger

Which brings me to multi-tasking.  We all do it.  Some are better than others.  Working from home means I do it quite often, at least, if I want to have a “productive” day.  But I probably don’t do it any more or any less than any other person…especially any other mom.  Multitasking is the norm ….however, there are times when I just don’t want to.

There are times I just want to sing my damn ABC’s and live that moment.  Cuddle in bed and not get up to check email, and read a story without worrying about “missing” something on social networks.   But the truth is that I also love working, love my projects and NEED something all for myself.   So, in an attempt to find balance I am going to try and really focus on my son when I can before September, because I know that come the Fall he will do his own thing and I’ll have way more time to do mine.

I have some great projects coming up.  Today’s post, aside from featuring this pretty sexy and stylish multitasking mom of 2’s style, is about sharing what’s bubbling under the surface.

real mom in style, real mom style, italian style, italian way of life, linkups, fashion blogger, blogger di moda, blogger di moda in modena, women's fashion blogger, blogger discover new brands, Expat fashion blogger, italian english blogger, blog dedicated to trends, fall and winter trends, trends for moms, momtrends, multitasking mom, being a stylish mom, multitasking in style,, reasons to dress, #reasonstodress, italian lifestyle blog, #lblogger,#lifestyleblogger


And lots of them!  I’m now working with so many great artisan brands who want to do awesome international giveaways and get their products known!! Aside from the Artisans, I’m collaborating on a few projects for the big EXPO happening in Milan this year, a few great tourist spots and local producers and even a new project with another Italian blogger!

The thing I wasn’t prepared for was that all of these projects take TIME, and require a lot of planning, meetings and discussions.  Before blogging I never thought about all of the effort that goes into the preparation of every single post…. now I know!


I’m helping my husband launch two new brands and online stores this year, which you will soon hear about (to no end, sorry!).  We’ll also host a few giveaways and I have some special projects that I WOULD LOVE to get bloggers involved with, so please let me know if you are interested!  I already have something cool underway with one of my favorite bloggers The European Malteser!


I’m slowly starting a new blog!! In the last few months I’ve gathered so much Gluten Free restaurant information that I realized it deserves its own space.  I will re-publish a few of the posts here for anyone that is interested, but I’ll try to keep most of my GF-excitedness on the other blog.  I realize that this is one project that will wait until September to get rolling!  I wanted to start it sooner, but with only 24 hours in the day, that feel much more like 10, this will really get rolling in the Fall.  Please follow along on all of my new social networks if you are interested in Gluten Free travel here!


Starting in February I will be a new contributor to the site Italian Storytellers.  If you’ve never heard of this site, I really recommend it to anyone planning a visit to Italy! It is written in English by locals living throughout Italy and is focused on regional events, traditions and cultures.  I’m so proud to be a part of this and my articles will focus specifically on things to do, see and taste in Emilia Romagna, the region where I live.  Don’t worry about missing a post, whenever I publish something on Italian Storytellers I’ll share the article on my Facebook and Twitter accounts!



I’m not a “travel blogger”  but I read a lot of INCREDIBLE TRAVEL BLOGS like:

A Crowded Planet - check out their  Milan Mondays! My favorite posts are about their incredibly daring international travels, you will not BELIEVE the things they have done!  They also hosts a travel linkup every Wednesday, #WEROAM !

In Search Of - Written by an expat living in Lithuania and traveling through Europe (she was also just in Rome!).  An in-depth guide to Lithuania and a very grassroots local’s approach to seeing Europe.

Unlocking Kiki - A super cute American living in Iceland, she has me wishing I was planning a trip there now!

Chasing the Donkey - An Australian expat living in Croatia and writing a very detailed blog all about this incredible country from the inside out.  She’s also created a huge travel blogger community that I’m a part of.  if you’ve ever though about going to Croatia I recommend you start here! Visit on Sundays for her huge travel blogger linkup!

The Seychelles Mama – This mom and her cute family have moved to the Seychelles, and as jealous as I can be seeing her beautiful beach photos in the middle of the winter, I love her expat perspective on life!  she also hosts a monthly Expat Family linkup!

You know, once I wanted to be a part of this “travel bloggers” thing, and when I sent them my application they rejected me. It’s ok though.  They said that I was not a travel blog.  Ok, so I’m not a travel blog, HOWEVER,  I do really in-depth articles about fantastic local places to see that no one else EVER talks about, like; this post on the Rocca di Vignola, the Di Onda in Onda workshoup in the Appenines, small towns like Fanano and what to do on a rainy Monday in Copenhagen when all the museums are closed!

And then I realized that, like me, there are many lifestyle bloggers that blog about local events.  Like Spashionista’s review of a visit to the Nashville Riverwood Mansion,  or Hannah at Mums’ Days visits to a different Northumberland Castle a Week!

So I’m starting a new linkup and I am looking for co-hosts to help me!  This will be a travel linkup for all NON TRAVEL AND TRAVEL BLOGGERS.  All articles related to travel, especially local can be linked up, and you do NOT NEED to be a travel blogger to join!
*** This linkup may be a little different from my standard Tuesday Real Mom Street Style linkup, because linkups are a LOT OF WORK!!! Linkups mean writing a post, visiting other blogs, sharing content and featuring bloggers, creating community and finding friends!  ***

But, I’m thinking LONG TERM HERE.  And since, in September my little man will be at school all day and I will still be working from home, I will be dedicating even more of my time to blogging, linking up, commenting and making the most of working online!

Reasons to Dress is the bi-product of 14 months (or so) of constant multi-tasking.  Of early mornings, late nights, and a very untidy house!! (Instead of using those precious naps for cleaning, cooking and folding laundry I’ve been blogging…. BUSTED!)

As much as I read and tell myself that when I SINGLE TASK and focus I do things BETTER, that’s not always possible.  So this week, three cheers for this multitasking mommy!

real mom in style, real mom style, italian style, italian way of life, linkups, fashion blogger, blogger di moda, blogger di moda in modena, women's fashion blogger, blogger discover new brands, Expat fashion blogger, italian english blogger, blog dedicated to trends, fall and winter trends, trends for moms, momtrends, multitasking mom, being a stylish mom, multitasking in style,, reasons to dress, #reasonstodress, italian lifestyle blog, #lblogger,#lifestyleblogger

Now onto YOUR style…

#REASONSTODRESS Real Mom Street Style Linkup

Thank you to everyone who linked up last week! If you would like to co-host the #reasonstodress linkup I would love to have you, please feel free to email me at [email protected] ! Thank you to my co-host last week Alex from the Funky Jungle!

Fab Five


It’s Mostly About Fashion

Schermata 2015-01-27 a 07.59.39


Porcelina’s World

Schermata 2015-01-27 a 08.00.18


Lady in Violet

Schermata 2015-01-27 a 08.01.01


Gnome Lover

Schermata 2015-01-27 a 08.04.45


Fashionably Employed

Schermata 2015-01-27 a 08.01.49 1

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Reasonstodress linkup rules #fblogger linkup, link pary, linky for mom blogger, linkup for mom style


An InLinkz Link-up

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