Healthy Living Magazine

Meet Deb Rondeau – 250 Pounds Gone! Weight Loss Superstar!!

By Slimshoppin @slimshoppin

deb rondeau

I am excited to introduce you today to Deb Rondeau. At the age of 55 and weighing in at 430 pounds she took control of her life and has lost 250 pounds! I “met” Deb on Linked In and she was nice enough to take time out of her super busy schedule to take part in my weight loss success story series.

1. What was your “Aha” moment when you decided you needed to do something about your weight?

In 2009 on a flight from Palm Springs, CA to Vancouver, BC I had a humiliating incident in the teeny, tiny washroom. Although no one on the plane knew what had happened, as I headed back to my seat, I knew I had to do something about my weight! I will be telling the full story of that flight on my radio show Tuesday, August 27th. You can listen live Tuesdays at 3pm PST or catch the archives any time after August 28th.

2. Had you tried to lose weight in the past – were you successful when you tried?

I think I had tried almost every diet known to man (that was how it felt) and I was an extremely successful dieter! I would lose weight every time, but then I would regain the weight… plus interest!

3. How do you find time for yourself to concentrate on losing weight?

Through all the personal development I have done in the years since my weight loss, I have learned that we can always find time for that which we make important. I made the decision that I am important! Will you?

4. What kept you going? Were there times where you wanted to give up?

I think that happens to all of us, but I have surrounded myself with people that support my dreams for the future. They are always there when I need them and will not let me quit! Everyone needs this kind of support!

5. How has maintenance been, is maintaining harder than losing weight?

For me it is! I, like many of you, continually battle emotional eating. Although I will sometimes succumb, I have the tools and skills to pull out of the slide before everything gets out of hand. These are the tools and skills I teach my extreme weight loss clients.

6. Did you exercise while losing weight, if so, what do you like to do for exercise.

I had never exercised in my life; it was physically impossible when I weighed 430 lbs. because I could not get back up if I were to get down on the ground. After one year and a loss of 175 lbs. my body began to crave to move. And I made the decision that this time I was going to listen. I went to a local gym near my home and this was where I met the personal trainer that would change my life! My somatic mechanic, Maarten Van Nus, trained me in cardio, weight lifting/resistance exercises and boxing!

7. What are some tips that helped you along the way?

*The body is always listening – speak kindly about yourself!

*The body cannot go where the mind has not gone first – use visioning to prepare your body to accept the new, slim you!

*On my August 13th radio show (#11 – True Confessions) I do a visioning session you can experience.

*Also, I am currently recording an MP3 and CD version of this visioning which will be available in the very near future

*Celebrate your successes, no matter how small! I keep a success journal and I recommend this to my clients as well

8. Did you have people in your life that weren’t positive towards the changes you were making?

Most people were outwardly supportive during the weight loss. After the weight loss, when I started to dream about what my future might look like and started making changes to my life, the naysayers began to show up. People do not want you to change their “normal” and they will defend it with everything they have! Sadly, there are people that have chosen to remove me from their life because I would not conform.

9. What was a typical eating day like when you were heavy?

I used alcohol to de-stress and suppress emotions so I was a heavy drinker, which as you know is highly caloric. Most days I would consume 8-10 ounces of rye mixed with three cans of cola. As you may know, drinking impacts your willpower as well. So in front of people I would eat proper meals and moderate snacks, but alone at home late at night, I would eat large amounts of unhealthy food like muffins, chips, iced granola bars, cookies etc.

10. What is a typical eating day like now that you are eating healthier?

I now eat small, healthy meals several times per day. Every morning begins with a delicious smoothie made of water, spinach, plant-based protein powder and frozen fruit. Through the day I will eat fresh vegetables, salads, chicken, quinoa, fresh fruit etc.

11. What are some of the things you’ve been able to do now that you’ve lost the weight?

My life has changed drastically! I have gone from using a cane to walk very short distances due to the extreme pressure and pain in my feet and joints, to walking several miles every week. I love walking now! I used to puff and pant after climbing a single flight of stairs (placing both feet on each stair on the way up) and now I can run to catch a bus without losing my breath! I once was so worried about “what would they think” (dreaded WWTT disease) that I could not hold a simple conversation. Today I am a motivational speaker, I have a website and offer coaching to weight loss clients and I am the host and executive producer of my own radio show – Phit and Phabulicious!™; Getting Your “Sexy” Back. My life is amazing and the future looks golden!

12. What would you say to women over 50 that think because of menopause or their age that they cannot make healthy changes and lose weight?

It is NEVER too late to get your “sexy” back! And you do not have to do it alone, ask for help in whatever form you need! Even after many years, I still have a mentor and trainer in my life to help me.


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Thank you so much Deb – you have some great advice. I think the biggest lesson is it is NEVER too late to get started!!

Leave a nice message for Deb or if you have a question for her – leave it in the comments!

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