Ugh! May is finally over and behind me and I am thankful for being able to move onto a new month tomorrow and to get back to focused and positive vibes. May is not what I had hoped for or planned for according to my Busy Mom Marathon Training Plan but in hindsight it may be what I set up for myself mentally.
What I had hoped for was a 13-mile run and 35 miles per week but what I got was no double digit run and averaged 21.9 miles per week. There was a time this would leave me down and blue but not now. I am stronger inside and out and can logically see what came into play: I was fighting bronchitis the first third of the month, I attended an emotionally and physically exhausting weekend retreat, and I set myself up on less stable ground by going into May thinking it was going to be a rough month.
So I will set myself up for success in June by saying, yes, I will be traveling but I can still accomplish my goals to run a 16-mile day (I did 13 miles at the end of April) and I will run 40 miles per week. I can do it. The bronchitis is much, much better and I am ready to flood my mind with positive thoughts and positive actions.
I honestly believe by thinking May was going to be hard, I set myself up for failure to meet my goals. It is okay to think things may be hard but if that causing you to doubt or hold back or expect not reaching your goals, the mental game is winning.
In June, I do not want the mental game to win and I know it won't just by saying to myself and the world, I can do the hard and reach my way or another.
I ended May on a rest day and that is okay. I ran my mile for running streak day 1980 and how cool is that? I am beyond blessed and know that not every day, every week, or every month will rock and that is okay. You can't run every day 5+ years and expect amazing runs every day. Accept the hurdles and let them make you stronger.'s to an AMAZING June!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my positive attitude and learning to love and accept myself....hiccups and all.
Daily Bible Verse: And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. ~ Habakkuk 2:2-3