Family Magazine

Mad Men Season 6 Finale

By Arredmon @mamachallenge
Mad Men Moms Monday:
Oh wow. 

The finale of Mad Men Season 6 definitely was one for the record books. 

I couldn't even think up some of the things that happened and if you haven't seen it yet, then I almost don't want to spoil it for you...ALMOST. 

So round out our weekly recaps of the show, Shannon from and I couldn't help but resist watching the last one together. (I'm glad we did because I needed someone to talk to after that!) 

Also, in true Mad Men Moms fashion, we also celebrated with a cocktail. Shannon surprised me with a fun chocolate-flavored concotion with cream, black cherry vodka and Kahlua (think White Russian meets Yoohoo!) Little did we know how much the topic of chocolate would become a part of our evening's adventure. 

What did you think? 

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