I love a lot of Lush products, but this is my favorite. So much so that I would marry it. When I first bought it, I was sad because it was a limited edition product. But when I last visited Lush and saw that they still had a bin full of them, I wanted to shed tears of joy. Imagine my reaction when the sale's associate told me that the wonderful Lord of Misrule was now a permanent part of the Lush family.
My favorite thing about this bath bomb is the scent. I typically do not like girly, overly sweet scents (I can't stand Snow Fairy) and prefer citrusy or spicy scents. Lord of Misrule certainly does not have a sweet scent. This bomb has an herbal scent thanks to patchouli and black pepper oil. The color is stunning. At first, it turns your bath water a light green with silver streaks. Pretty, but nothing overly impressive. But then the wine colored center is revealed, which is gorgeous. Lush also included popping candies, which I could have done without, but it went with the mischievous theme Lush was going for. They pop and crackle for quite some time. Depending on your mood, they are fun or agitating. I have experienced both. Either way, this is a must have. *runs to take a bath*
And now I present to you, the life of a Lush bath bomb: