Fitness Magazine

Long Run Comparison

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Long Run ComparisonMy #bestfoot check-in this week is a bit different. Instead of going day by day telling you what I did, and seeing for myself what I did, I want to compare my long runs. Why? Well, I ended up going home sick on Thursday and it impacted my running. In all reality, I still ended up with 35 miles last week but yesterday morning I was frustrated. Long run frustrated.

You would think with dear hubby being a runner too that if I vented running frustrations he would get it. Not so. Instead I got "lectured" on not comparing myself to others and blah, blah, blah. Really?! No, I wasn't comparing myself to others. I want/need my weekly long runs and they need to get much longer to achieve my running goals. I was just trying to get some empathy in my statement that he gets to run 13+ every week on a day off to himself and I need to schedule my long run and arrange for child care. On top of that, I know summer is coming and he won't even be off on Sundays. It wasn't a comparison per se. I just have enough running sense, and I am a running coach, so I know I need my long runs for training benefits. And a long run on my incline treadmill at home is less than stellar. I have no issues with a long run on a treadmill but I want to nail my paces. Not happening at home. 

So yes, I was grouchy and irritable. Said I "hated" my treadmill (sorry darling daughter for using the bad "h" word) and wanted another one. Then if I had to run long at home I could do a run I felt comfortable with training wise. Who knows when I will get a new treadmill but after a mile on the treadmill, then the venting, then some random cleaning, I hit the roads. Oh how I needed that sunshine!
But first, let's rewind one week to the 10.65 mile run I did with dear hubby. You got to love dear friends who will watch your kiddo while you run even if it means an early morning wake-up call for them. I am so blessed with an awesome friend! Back to running. My overall pace last week was 9'44". Not bad. Not great. To reach my goal I need to be running a 9'09" pace. Yes, I realize this course was tough with it being essentially uphill to the turn and then downhill back. But trust me, the downhill isn't pure downhill and in all reality, the uphill has some level points. At one point dear hubby told me it was all downhill from here. We had five more uphill climbs. But generally, it was downhill. Nike+ doesn't see those uphills either. I have no proof but trust me, they are there.
Long Run ComparisonLong Run ComparisonNow for yesterday, I was worried about pace since last week was slower, I was coming off of being sick, and my hip was achy due to the run with darling daughter Saturday morning. Stay tuned for more on that! I really didn't know how far I was going to run. I just headed out saying I was going to do my loop, verified to dear hubby what my loop was, and darling daughter said do five loops. Okay, that would equate to about 25 miles. Hmmm.... So I compromised, I told her I would start my loop and if things felt good I would continue up the mountain and then come back down to finish my loop. The more I ran the more I wanted 10 miles. I was happy with my paces although some miles were slower than 9'09" but I was running uphill. My goal was to turn at 6 miles and head back but I was fighting with an applesauce to go. Truly fighting. Frozen chunks were getting stuck and I wanted my fuel. Out of frustration I turned back and guess what? My applesauce gave me no more issues. I decided to forget paces and have fun. I stopped for a few pictures, passed my turn point, continued running downhill, turned to run back uphill telling myself if I ran uphill to 9 miles the return would bring me to 10. I ran a tad beyond 9 miles, turned, and ran back to my stopping point. End result: 10.05 miles with an average pace of 9'16". I then walked the final 0.7 miles home. I tend to walk this uphill climb not because of its difficulty level but because of safety and traffic flow as the day progresses.
Long Run ComparisonWhat does this all mean? Did I run better this week than last week? No, not really. The courses are different and that all has an impact. Last week I cared nothing about pace. This week it was in my mind. But both runs will bring me closer to my goal but I still need to grow my long run and continue to push myself.
Long Run ComparisonOnce home I did some yoga outside and darling daughter joined in and then we played. That was the best part of all and as I left for work today I told darling daughter, "You need to make sure Mommy plays more even if it is us just coloring one picture together." I work very hard in my job, in my training, and taking care of my family. I wouldn't change a thing (except my treadmill) because it is who I am but I also know this Mommy needs to let go and just have fun. To play.

This post will be linked to the #bestfoot link up through Run to the Finish,The Adventures of a Darwinian Fail, and The Sweet Life with Ericka. I love this link up and each week strive to find at least one new lady to support! Jump on over and find some awesomeness and add your own!

Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my family.

Daily Affirmation: I am not perfect and that is okay.

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