Outlook Traveller Awards are considered an authoritative benchmark of consumer preferences in travel and tourism. Conducted by IPSOS Pvt Ltd, the survey for 2012 polled readers through the magazine and the Outlook Traveller Web site.“It is a huge honor to win the highest two prizes from Outlook Traveller,” said A. P. Anil Kumar, Minister for Tourism, Kerala.Secretary Billa said that the awards recognised the State’s leading role in the travel and tourism sectors.The recognition would not have bee possible had it not been for the successful partnership with the private sector and other stakeholders, said Rani George, director, Kerala Tourism.
In December 2012, Kerala had won the Conde Nast Travel Award for ‘Excellence in taking brand India global.’During the same month, the State edged out the Taj Mahal to become the number one travel destination in the Google search trends for India in 2012.Hill destination Munnar was on the list of top 10 Indian destinations on Google’s Zeitgiest site showing search trends from around the world.Source: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/travel/kerala-tourism-wins-top-outlook-traveller-awards/article4375350.ece