What is it about rest days/weeks that makes it completely impossible for me to rest? During taper I am a little better at not taking on additional big projects but here I am trying to rest up after the Maui Marathon to commence training for the Honolulu Marathon and I get all crazy!
Yesterday I had a furlough day at work. Darling daughter was home with me too as she was recovering from her tummy bug. She was pretty much better but I felt one more day at home to make sure wouldn't hurt. You would think that would slow me down a bit but you see, I had a Thursday off and had a zillion things to do. I am happy to announce my car registration and safety check are now both up to date! Groceries have been bought and the dinner menu for the next 8 nights is set in "dry eraser" on my menu board. The bathroom has been thoroughly cleaned and that silly shower caddy that hangs down has been replaced by a corner unit. And yes, darling daughter had a ball watching me struggle to get that in place. She ran to grab a bottle of water to watch the show. By the way, the secret to success for those tension pole corner shower units - put the top in place first then push up and slide the bottom into the corner. Works like a breeze! And I am shocked at how "open" the shower feels now. So cool!
We also spent a good amount of time catching darling daughter up on her homework. Yes, her kindergarten class has homework each night Monday-Thursday. We went by the school to pick up what she missed and I am so happy she didn't get tired when we worked our way through the pages (we had three days worth to do). She actually loves doing her homework so that helps! But when it came time to making lunches she did abandon ship...but decided to procrastinate on bedtime in order to make me a note for my lunch bag.
And we spent ages pouring over different colors of yarn in attempts to agree of two color selections. Darling daughter's choice of fluorescent pink hurt my eyes. I told her such. She was then adamant my choice of magenta hurt her eyes. I told her as an accent with the light pink it might be okay for her eyes. I am not sure she was convinced but we ended up with magenta, light pink, and purple. Plus a little crochet book to teach myself the African Flower Pattern since I think I am getting a tired of just Granny Corners. I finished up the afghan I was making (a different purple and cream by the way) for darling daughter to have in the car and once she was sleeping quietly, I tackled the new pattern. Two hours later I had this!
Not perfect but a good first try!
And now I have this at work!
Office beautification! Gotta love it! Now I just want to learn how to crochet the hanging top onto dish towels. It might be time for a google search!
And I also did this!
Yep, dear hubby and I are indeed registered to run the Maui Marathon in 2014!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the wonderful and busy day I had with darling daughter yesterday.
Daily Affirmation: I am quite good at teaching myself things!