On March 29, 2014 I made a decision that is certain to change my life forever for the better. I signed up to get a running buddy through I Run for Michael. In a nutshell, this amazing group matches special needs kids or adults with runners who will run for them. The buddy/coach receives emotional support and the runner gets a new purpose to their runs.
I signed up for the facebook group and watched things for a couple of weeks before I officially took the plunge. What was holding me back? Two things - first, I was questioning how me running for someone in spirit could really make a difference and two, I have too much empathy for my own good. Was I ready to carry someone else through times of trouble or sorrow? Was I willing to offer prayers?
For the prayers, ABSOLUTELY! And after watching the posts on facebook and talking to a friend I realized, yes, me running for someone makes a huge difference. In does matter. It will make a difference. Okay, I'M IN! Can I carry and lift someone up? YES! It is my goal in life to motivate others and to be a source of happiness, this is my place!
The wait seemed so long. I kept track of my placement on the list each time it was posted. When I broke 2,000 I cheered. When I broke 1,000 I cheered. At 165 it was getting very real and very exciting. When I was number 10 I squealed! Darling daughter looked at me and I had tears in my eyes and she asked what was up with me. I told her I was #10! Since she has heard me ramble on about this since March she knew what I meant and cheered. Any day now, any day now I would meet my buddy!!!!!!!
From that point on I was glued to my phone in a way completely not like me. I was "stalking" the next posting of matches waiting as patiently as I could. At a pool party yesterday I even stole away to a shady corner to peak. I know...awful! But I had been waiting so long and there it was! The announcement. I HAD A BUDDY!!!!! More tears swelled in my eyes, I called darling daughter over to the side of the pool and said "Toby!", she looked at me oddly for a moment and then it sunk in, I HAD MY BUDDY, and she gave me a high five.
In less than 24 hours Toby has found a place in my heart and in my family. I love that darling daughter is as excited and has announced she too will run for Toby. Today when I did my one rest day mile she tossed in a yoga session. We crafted for Toby and she was my trusty photographer.
At the party people asked what was up. We explained it and most got it and were excited and expressed things like, "Wow! That is cool!". But in all good there is always one doubter. The one who said, "Oh, you are just virtual friends." and I let it slide and forgot it a nanosecond later. Not everyone will see things the same.
Today that comment came back and irked me another nanosecond until I thought about pen pals. In the past were pen pals referred to as "just pen pals"? Humanity has so much to offer one another and I love that I, like many, choose to go beyond what is right in front of us and to extend our love and caring further. I am honored and blessed to run for Toby. His family has given me a gift of sharing their son and life with me. I will give them my 110% each and every day because I truly feel that is what I am supposed to do. Our families have been perfectly matched by higher forces and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!
Who do you run for?
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful I got my buddy yesterday!
Daily Affirmation: I do not let fake barriers hold me back.