Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Intermittent Interesting Links

By Anytimeyoga @anytimeyoga

Men’s Rights: We Don’t Want Them by Jem Bloomfield at Quite Irregular — “I find the idea of “red pill men” who imagine they are part of a rebellion against the matriarchal Matrix laughable, but I can’t count the number of people who have told me that feminism “went too far” and that our society is sexist against men. In fact, MRAs sometime bring up issues which do need to be addressed, such as the high suicide rate amongst men, but frame them in ways which obscure the real problem. Here are a few talking points which get trotted out again and again – and why I think they can only be solved by more feminism, not less.”

Advanced Poses with Blocks at Little Windmill Yoga — “Learning advanced poses can seem overwhelming and discouraging at times. Using blocks can help you build strength in these poses and just simply feel the shape of the pose. Shamelessly allow the blocks to be an extension of your pose.” (PS — It’s mostly a picture post.)

Community Based Yoga …Or.. What yoga can learn from Community Acupuncture by Andi MacDonald at moonlitmoth — “Poke was my first exposure to a healing space that was truly grounded in a sense of community. We receive our treatments together. We can see each other sleeping. We pool our money and we hold space for ourselves AND the community to rest, relax and heal. When I couldn’t afford $20 for a treatment I was told to keep coming and pay what I could afford. I wasn’t turned away from Poke when I most needed it. I felt like I truly belonged and was valued. There was something brilliant and radical about this…. At some point in my time at Poke I wondered to myself – why had I never felt this way in a yoga studio?” (Includes a list of community based yoga studios in Canada, Europe, and the United States.)

Maxing Out on Intimidation (A Woman in the Weight Room) by Michelle at Balancing Jane — “In my gym, there is a clear segregation going on with the weights. On one side of the gym, there’s cardio equipment and a set of lightweight dumbbells, some medicine balls, some lightweight machines, and some kettle bells. On the other side of the gym (separated by a wall and a hallway), there are heavier weights, freestanding barbells, and more substantial machinery.”

The Problems With Food Policing by Ragen Chastain at Dances With Fat — “One of the most frustrating things that I deal with as part of our fat bashing society is the idea that my fat body is a signal that I need other people to tell me how to live my life – what to eat and what not to eat, how to exercise etc. In fact there is a whole lot of food policing and food moralizing by and against people of all sizes. I think it’s important that we each be able to make our own choices about what we eat, and have access to information if we want it. But I wasn’t always this way.”

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