"...this message is from your rogue client...Tara. Remember me? Hi....I'm just driving home and thought I would call you instead of eating and entire pint of raspberries. I hope you miss me as much as I miss you...actually I hope you miss me more. I've been planking alot. Call me, maybe?"
I am going to light up this post with some workouts, plankaday pics.
I made myself a quick little "dinner for one" tonight. lol. I was really craving a sandwich, so I made a a "BLT"!

The Un-BLT: gluten free bread, turkey bacon (the B), spinach (the L), tomato (the T) and greek yogurt as "mayo" and veggies instead of fries. Yum! Success!
I have been planking like crazy this month. I have challenged myself to plank 100 minutes in September. I am also encouraging everyone around me to plank. In fact, a bunch of my co-workers planked today at work and sent me the pic. Check it out. How adorable are they?
My homies.
Of course I stayed on track with my #PlankADay Challenge and planked for 3 minutes today (two different planks 1 min & 30 seconds each) both today and yesterday. Check us out...side planks!!
Side planks? Sure, why not!
As for my workouts, I haven't had a lot of time but I am doing my best to make the most of the time I do have! I woke up a little extra early for a 45 minute workout. I had to wake the dog up at 5:50am to take him out and he is sleeping beside me right now as I type this blog post, which tells me that 5:50am is too early for him, but for me it is perfect.My Workout:
5 rounds/10 reps
trap bar deadlifts 110lbs
swiss ball hamstring curls
chest press 30lbs dumb bells
3 rounds/12 reps
push ups
external rotators 5 lbs
trap 3 raises 5 lbs
4 minutes Tabata sprints.
20 seconds 9.0
10 seconds off
8 rounds
=0.5 mile run
Just in case you are thinking about waking up early for a workout, lemme give you a couple tips to help make sure you are successful:
1. Pack your gym clothes the night before
2. Set two alarms
3. Pre-plan brekky or pre-workout meal
4. Use all of your powers of persuasion to convince someone to join you
5. Go to bed earlier.
I never regret getting up early, even though it really does suck sometimes. Is anyone else out there planking this month? Or have any sort of challenge or goals that you are working towards this month? I would love to hear about them. Post your goals on this blog or send me an email at [email protected] and share, share, share! It's 10:15pm, I am waaaay past my bed time here folks. Sweet dreams. xo
Happy Reading,
Me +