Do you create and take action towards fitness goals (and those New Year’s Resolutions) only to abandon those 2 months later?
Results don’t come quickly enough; time is limited- whatever the reason, you fall off the bandwagon.
Fitness goals are usually doomed to fail from the start because they are NOT meaningful or inspirational enough.
Sometimes it’s the lack of strategy and planning; reaching your fitness goals are taking more time and energy than you thought it would.
No plan, lack of motivation, and lack of patience are top barriers to weight loss.
So, what is the Ultimate Fitness Motivator?
How can you develop the motivation to exercise, regardless of your busy schedule, and family and personal challenges that get in the way?
If you use your life purpose as a motivator, you get 2 things:
- foundation: something that keeps you moving towards your fitness goals in the midst of adversity, setbacks, and challenges
- focus: provides a sense of direction and personal leadership; inspiration for optimal personal or professional potential
Your life purpose is a strong motivator because it is a goal(s) that is meaningful to you, and something you’re willing to maintain health so that you can live it out.
How to Develop Your Life Purpose: Ask yourself…
1. How, and for what, do I want to be remembered? Or, who is the person you want to become and why do you want to be that way?
2. By whom do I want to be remembered?
3. Which of my accomplishments and personal strengths would I want others to talk about?
4. When I look back on my life, am I satisfied with the life that I’ve lived?
5. How does exercise and healthy eating fit into this picture? How can healthy living make living out your life purpose possible?
Developing your life purpose doesn’t just come overnight; it’s a gradual process which happens over time.
Learning about what’s important to you and why it’s important to you gives you the motivation to overcome many life obstacles, including staying active.
It’s all about being brave enough to discover your purpose for living and living the life of your dreams.
What is your life purpose? Who do you want to become and why? Feel free to leave a comment below!
Pamela Brown
Reference: Positive Psychology: A Practical Approach