Hey there, ya curly-headed ladies/guys! The other day, I cut my hair, and being the fuzzy-headed freak that I am, I decided to film it and show the world how it’s done! I’ve been cutting my own hair since around 5th or 6th grade, and although it took a while, I figured out the best way to do it, and the perfect shape for my kind of hair.

It’s seriously a struggle having hair as curly as mine, so any curly-hair tips that you have are welcome in the comment section. My tip of the day is to cut your hair in layers. This is because with curly hair, volume is inevitable, and too much volume could make you look like a bobble head, and we don’t want that. This also helps us get rid of the triangular shaped hair that I hate, and frames one’s face better. Watch the video down below to see how I cut my curly hair!
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Here’s what My hair looks like right after I used this method (note: It looks really voluminous because I had been messing around in it and separating all the curls, but once I washed it, it took on it’s less-big size and looks more rounded)

Here are some more photos:

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Have a great day, my darlings! Kisses

Thanks for visiting OffbeatLook.com by Camille Johnson; a blog on fashion, beauty, and everything in between.
Tagged with: big curly hair • blue hair • curls • curly blue hiar • curly hair • curly hair cut • cutting curly hair • hair • hair cut tutorial • haircut • how i cut my curly hair • how i cut my own hair • how to cut curly hair • how to cut your own hair • poofy hair • video on how to cut curly hair • what haircut should i get curly hair