Hair & Beauty Magazine

How The Strong Young Men Made Me Feel (And It's Not What You Think)

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
So, this week, we have a bunch of strong young men working on our house. Before you ladies start getting excited about what I'm going to talk about today, I will just be a straight shooter and let you know that this post is quite the contrary to all that is young and exciting.
I have been feeling much-older-than-I-actually-am and the presence of these strong young men just served to make me feel even more so. Yes, I am effectively stuck in an age rut.
How The Strong Young Men Made Me Feel (And It's Not What You Think) Stuck right in the middle. Source
I have no idea when it began but I had an epiphany this morning (over a brief twitter chat with the lovely Kimberley or Misss Pop Couture) that it all began after I had Kid No. 2
For years, it was just me and my Ally (No. 1). Even though I was a mum, I felt like a hip young mum. We went out shopping together, we did activities together, we had girly time together - it was good fun. I was a mum but I was still a young woman who was doing well in my career and still went on regular dates with my husband.
Fast Forward to Kid No. 2 and all the demands that come with a baby.... it seems like my status and role as Mum has been set in stone forever. I know I am still averagely young for a mum of 2 (one of them being a 7 year old), I am definitely still active in fruitful endeavors and I am still a wife. However, my status as Mum just screams out to me so significantly now that some days, I can only see myself as that. Tragic.
So when I saw these strong young men working at my house, I just couldn't help having some youth envy. They work hard but they have so much fun mucking around at the same time. They joke, they laugh, they hit each other. The whole youth thing just seems like so much fun while I wrangle my crying, sooking, grumpy bub.
I wonder if anyone feels the same way I do and if you do, did these thoughts/feelings come about significantly after having more kids?
And while you are here, you might want to join in the Neutrogena Naturals Prize Pack Giveaway which ends at 2pm today!
*Linking up with Essentially Jess because it's Tuesday, duh!

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