Hair & Beauty Magazine

Hera S’lite Designer DX Body Gel

By Beautifulbuns

As much as I love Hera, I’m more of their makeup fan than skincare fan (although I recently bought this ginormous long tube of an eye roller thang). I think it boils down to my impatience – makeup can turn me into Shin Min Ah faster than skincare. hehehehe.

Of course, in my neverending quest to become Shin Min Ah, I’ve also ventured into Hera’s bodycare line. This body gel is to create the S-line (silhouette of the body).

Hera S lite Designer DX
Hera S-lite Designer DX Body Gel – KRW45,000

Hera S lite Designer DX (3)

Hera S lite Designer DX (1)

Hera S lite Designer DX (2)


I say…

I’ll admit it – I bought this simply cos it was a huge tube and I thought it’d be more worth KRW45,000 (well, better than another lipstick or eyeliner or BB cushion).

  • The gel smells nice – vaguely floral-minty.
  • It’s also easily absorbed cos it’s a gel. I prefer gels to creams cos I have a weird perception that gels can penetrate my thick skin and squeeze their way through my cellulites more efficiently than creams.
  • It leaves a cooling sensation as well.
  • The best part is – my butt cheeks are significantly smoother by 20-30% – it’s like the bumpy cellulite parts were smoothened out. -happiness- perhaps with a 2.4km daily run,  I can get a job as an extra on Fast and Furious. hurhur.
  • In terms of body S-line definition, well, I guess there’s a certain 10-15% improvement in firmness, but nothing that I would call a miracle.

Overall, if you’ve got a little extra cash and wanna treat yourself, then get this? At KRW45,000 (SGD50), it isn’t the cheapest around, but considering the fact that there are some results (vs others that don’t show any improvements), it’s worth a try. I used to apply the Clarins High Definition Body Lift, but that was a pricier SGD80+ for 200ml.

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