Hair & Beauty Magazine

Hera Preperfection Serum

By Beautifulbuns

I realised that I haven’t done a skincare item review in a long time, and hey, since I’m still not really feeling up to showing my face to the world, there couldn’t be a better time than now. muahahaha.

Hera Preperfection Serum shin min ah3
Guess which brand I’m gonna be blogging about today? Hint hint : Shin. Min. Ah.

Hera Preperfection Serum shin min ah1
Yes it’s the one and only Hera Preperfection Serum, fronted by the beautiful Shin Min Ah ah~~~~~!

Hera Preperfection Serum shin min ah2

Hera Preperfection Serum
Hera Preperfection Serum – KRW70,000


Hera Preperfection Serum (1)

Hera Preperfection Serum (2)

Hera Preperfection Serum (5)

Hera Preperfection Serum info

Hera Preperfection Serum (3)
A slightly brownish liquid that’s not too thick nor too watery


Hera Preperfection Serum (4)
Very easily absorbed, and you can totally notice the difference in skin texture


I say…

This is Hera’s equivalent of Sulwhasoo’s First Care Serum – something that you apply to your freshly-cleansed face.

  • It comes in a nice fat bottle that fits nicely into my hand – I can get a firm grasp on it cos it’s such a fat bottle. haha.
  • The brown liquid is of a good consistency -thick enough to not run off your skin immediately, but watery enough to be really quickly absorbed.
  • The scent is really fragrant – I think it’s a more cosmetic type of fragrance vs Sulwhasoo’s traditional herbal scent.
  • It’s absorbed into my skin really quickly, and doesn’t leave a sticky feeling. In fact, I compared it with Innisfree’s Green Tea Seed Serum (review to come soon!), and this one leaves a less sticky feeling than Innisfree (although both aren’t sticky, it’s just on a comparative basis).
  • It leaves my skin feeling a little more bouncy, like a fishball.
  • What’s more, I think I can actually see a little more clarity in my skin – note, not fairer, but clearer. Plus, my skin seems more radiant as well. Looks like the poster with Shin Min Ah’s face didn’t lie. -fist punch in air- But that said, it’s not such a drastic difference – just perhaps 10-20% more radiance. Shin Min Ah’s picture looks like she went from Walking Dead to being Evan Almighty.
  • I haven’t had any outbreaks whatsoever related to this product – in fact, my pores seem slightly smaller (by about 5-10%).

I’m liking this product enough to go pick up another bottle once I fly there tonight. Woohoo!


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