I must confess - as much as I strive to eat well there are times I just want to scream and pull out my hair. Is nothing safe?
I try to not get paranoid or too stressed over the food industry but then things happen that make me feel very helpless. I am a busy mom trying to feed my family well. I want my daughter to grow strong and healthy and live a very long life. I want my husband to move into his golden years with the energy to keep running strong.
Is this possible?
I have eliminated almost all processed foods but yet there are still some processed snacks in the house. I read ingredients on everything I buy - no dairy, no fake sugars, no corn syrup in those fruit chews my daughter loves so much, no things I can't even pronounce, etc., etc., etc.
Just the other day I read that carrageenan is a no-no and for some reason this is still bugging me to the core. I know what carrageenan is and that it comes from red algae but seriously, it can be a no-no? I am only saying "can" to avoid getting stuck on any side of the argument as I haven't done my research but it got me thinking. What is there that I can feed my family safely? Even my almond milk has carrageenan and yes, the soy milk does too and yes there are arguments about soy but I think you see where I am going.
I am at a complete and utter loss and I haven't even started talking GMO's - my husband isn't convinced they are an issue and actually sees them as a means to feed the world. I am not convinced. I often feel a good thing can get warped into something very bad. I reflect back on Mendel and his peas. It not only demonstrated dominant and recession genes but in fact in the purest of terms - he was genetically modifying the peas. Were the results harmful? I argue no. Can I say that about all GMO's today? No.
Like many of you, I care for my family and am on a budget. I am trying to balance all that I can and provide nourishing meals. We try to grow some of our own food but that is limited but boy do I wish we could do more and be more successful. I aim to organic and those snails seem to love what we grow.
I am not expecting any real answers today but hey, if you have any two cents to give me please do. I am open to knowledge. Help a running mom out!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for the awesome crop of carrots we got months ago.
Daily Affirmation: Through prayer I will find the way to nourish my family. Today I took the first step, asking for knowledge.