Tell me you wouldn't do just about anything for this face? I know.
So we went to the dog park this morning and then went to the grocery store to grab some groceries and then came home. I did a quick workout (which I will fill you in on later) which I rarely do. I love going to the gym and taking that time for myself.
Anyways, I thought it would be fun to try out some homemade doggy treats. Grando rarely eats "human" food, but doesn't appear to be very fussy. So I spent about an hour online looking up doggy treat recipes and finally settled on one from Rachel Ray's website called "Bacon Truffles" made with real bacon. I bought all the ingredients and spent about an hour cooking bacon, mixing ingredients and baking the treats.

Bad news. He hated them.
Like full on hated them. He took one in his mouth and immediately hid it, hoping I would forget about it. So I gave him another one. No dice. He wouldn't even put the second one in his mouth. Burn. I was honestly pretty mad at him for like 5 minutes. Then I remembered that he has no idea I just spent an hour making them and it's not his fault my treats sucked.