Career Magazine

Have You Invested in Yourself Enough?

By Dreamjobdiva

Why do you need to invest in yourself? Why do you need a coach? Why do you need Career & Life Coach?

Most of us think that the Career Coach is the last resource while searching for a job, we should go for. It is most of the time an expensive tool to not 100% certain results at the end. 


Well, yes and no.

As all the results really do depend on you, a person who is searching for something new… For a new job because your current boss will not prolong your contract or because the current work doesn’t fulfill your needs. For a new adventure, as most of the people want change but they are afraid to do something about it. For those who are not willing to change a job but are unhappy or missing something.

You do not need to quit a job or be fired in order to make a difference in your professional life, which will improve your personal one.

Coach, regardless if it is a career, life, personal, spiritual, partner or else related will never guaranteed you a success. However, realizing that you are not able to handle your ideas, dreams, goals, desires on your own and searching for a supportive and professional help of the coach is a first step towards the success. Towards your success.

Career Coach is not needed only when you are at the edge and you are one day before the job interview and you in panic need him/her to train you for it or to check your CV five minutes before sending another job application. How often have you succeeded preparing for something 5 minutes before?

Career Coach is needed already when you are in your steady, comfortable working zone. When you know you still have a contract and resources to invest in order to prepare yourself for a change. In order to invest in your personal and professional development. In order to benefit from it soon.

A change is not necessary when you will get redundant. A change is when you will get an opportunity at your current job to apply internally for more satisfying position or externally for better paid one. Sitting comfortable for 10 – 15 years in one company will not guarantee you will have this job till your retirement. Maybe after having a baby, or meeting a sexy woman/handsome man you will feel a desire to change your life, country, career and for that as for everything in your life you shall be prepared.

Career Coach will help you while collecting your professional awards, information, in your portfolio. Preparing for job interview. Working on yourself in order to find out who  you are and what exactly you do want from life.

All those activities should never stop and should not only be reminded when you are in a depressive, dark mood, afraid of not having enough sources to support your family.

Invest in yourself now, develop new skills, learn about yourself with Career & Life Coach to benefit in the future.

Dream Job Diva

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