Today’s blog post comes from Alicia (her bio is at the end of the article) – thanks for the tips!
Top 10 Healthy Herbs
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, clear up your skin or simply gain a bit of extra energy, there’s an herb for that. Herbs function as Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet. You can cure just about anything that ails you by adding these incredible, natural remedies to your routine. Best of all, many of them can be grown in your own back yard, so you don’t even have to worry about getting to the store. Here are the 10 healthiest herbs and how they can benefit you.
1. Garlic
Garlic is known for promoting heart health. It can slow the hardening of the arteries, minimize the buildup of so-called “bad” cholesterol and help lower blood pressure.
2. Wild Yam
Wild Yam is excellent for expectant mothers in the first trimester. It can help to balance hormones and ease symptoms of morning sickness.
3. Sage
There are a number of herbs, like black cohosh, that can be helpful in warding off symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. But this easy-to-find herb goes a step further. It helps alleviate the hot flashes of menopause as well as balance out mood changes. Ginger is another herb that can help with nausea.
4. Dandelion Root
You’ve undoubtedly seen dandelion root teas at your local natural health foods store. This herb makes an excellent tonic for your liver, helping to improve function and detoxify your system. It works best when combined with two other beneficial herbs, burdock and milk thistle.
5. Licorice
No, don’t dip into your kids’ Twizzlers stash. Instead use the naturally occurring, slightly spicy licorice root to give you a pick-me-up when you feel yourself flagging. At work, chew on some licorice root for a mid-day energy boost instead of succumbing to the junk food in the vending machines. It’s also helpful in treating inflammation and regulating menstrual disorders.
6. Raspberry Leaf
If you’re hoping to get pregnant, add some raspberry leaf to your diet. The herb is known for promoting fertility and it’s also helpful in treating uterine prolapse. It has lots of magnesium, potassium and iron, and a high concentration of Vitamin C. You can brew a tea with it and slather it on rashes, sunburn and eczema for temporary relief.
7. Gingko Biloba
Gingko biloba has a number of healthy benefits, most notably increasing the blood flow to the brain. It is used to treat a wide variety of ailments, including asthma, multiple sclerosis, dementia and bronchitis. It’s believed to fight fatigue, improve memory function and help with respiratory problems.
8. St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort is not an alternative to therapy or counseling, but it can be used to treat mild mental disorders and depression. It helps to relieve anxiety and can assist with sleep disorders. It’s also been used as a sedative, though you should check with your doctor first before using it for that purpose.
9. Astralgus
You’ve probably heard of most of the other herbs on this list, but Astralgus may be new to you. This Chinese herb can be used to help treat immune diseases as well as chronic diseases such as hepatitis. This wonder plant may also improve heart function and generally boost the immune system, even if you do not have an autoimmune illness.
10. Ginseng
There’s a good chance you’ve noticed ginseng among the ingredients of your favorite energy drink or green tea. An Asian plant, Ginseng can help improve blood flow, increase the strength of the lungs, help the liver, and bolster memory and learning functions. It is also known as a mood booster, enhancing your energy and your mental focus. As if that weren’t enough, it’s even used sometimes to help treat cancer.
BIO: Alicia works for Ceramcor and blogs in her free time at MarCom Land. Her work has been published by Her Fitness Hut,, and Ask Miss A.
Thanks Alicia – some of those herbs I was not familiar with!
Question of the day: Do you use any type of herbs to keep you healthy??