My co-organiser, the splendiforous (yes, that is a word in the Dictionary of Kat!!) Katie from LadyfromaTramp has designed a lovely new flyer featuring all the details.

If you or anyone you know is interested in taking part, then head over to the Facebook Event Page and RSVP, or drop either Katie or myself a line, and we'll add you on the list.
Following a little bit of a discussion over on the event page, we came to the conclusion that we'd book a table at Red Hot World Buffet for lunch, which is why it is really important that people let one of us know that you're coming.
Red Hot literally offers every kind of food imaginable (or near enough), so don't worry that you won't like anything, or if you're a vegetarian, because we think we've covered all bases with this place. Thanks to Jane for suggesting Red Hot :D
I know that a few ladies have said that they're not yet sure if they can make it, but we're hoping to book a table at the end of July, so it would be a huge help if you could all let us know by then, and that would be lovely :)
Also, a quick note that if you can't make it for 10am, please let us know, and we'll make arrangements to ensure that you can find us, or we'll send a minion (most likely myself) to meet you.
If anyone is coming on the train, then let me know, as I'll be meeting some other bloggers at the train station. And, if you need any help booking train tickets, then feel free to let me know, I may be able to help you find cheaper ones (although I can not of course guarantee this, I promise to try!)
Any more questions that you might have, just leave a comment below and I'll try my best to give you the answers.